Main Leader: Betty Friedan
- Grew up in a Jewish community facing anti-semitism
- Wrote a book called The Feminine Mystique about the depression that housewives often faced but never discussed
- Prompted President Kennedy to publish a report on how to solve gender inequality
Period: to
Women's Rights Movement
Equal Pay Act
- Made it illegal for employers to pay workers different wages for the same work
- Not completely effective because of the difficulty in determining what constitutes equal work
- Employers are still allowed to have different wages based on job difficulty, education, experience, and other legitimate factors
Civil Rights Act - Title VII
- Outlaws any discrimination by any companies, colleges, or other work organizations based on many factors, including sex, religion, or race when they are hiring or paying employees
- Created the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) to help enforce these provisions
ERA (Equal Rights Amendment)1970,1972,1973
- A proposed amendment to level the playing field in american life congress originally written by Alice Paul and Crystal Eastman passed in the house in 1970.
- In 1972 passes in senate meaning it was ready for ratification by state legislatures until Phyllis Schlafly mobilized a large group of conservative women who opposed the legislature because they believed it would disadvantage housewives. -Because of this in 1973 the states failed to approve the amendment and it failed to pass.
Title IX of the Education Amendments
- A federal law that aimed to make the sexes equal in all federally funded education programs or activities
- Encouraged more women to participate in sports
- Overall has been very effective
Roe v. Wade
- Landmark Supreme Court case that legalized abortions
- Based on the idea that abortion is covered under the right to privacy, which is protected by the 14th Amendment
- Still a controversial issue today
Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act
- Amended the Civil Rights Act of 1964
- Extended the time period in which women could file complaints of pay discrimination under the Equal Pay Act
- Made it much easier for women to successfully fight for equal wages