Oct 1, 1096
Crusades Are Fought
religious and political wars fought between 1096 and 1291 to controll the land -
Oct 1, 1347
Black Death Begins in Europe
The Black death originated in Asia. Black death spread through trade routes and trade ships . Killed 3rd of Europes Population . The disease came from fleas on rats -
Mar 6, 1475
He was an Italian sculptor painter architect poet and engineer. -
Oct 1, 1480
Magellan start his trip around the world
he was the first European to cross the Pacific Ocean.with five ships to find fast routes -
Aug 3, 1492
1st voyage (Columbus)
Convinced The king and queen of spain to pay for his trip he left in august and returned in septemeber -
Jul 1, 1497
Da Gama Lands In India
English explorer land in Africa by going through the Atlantic Ocean -
Oct 1, 1499
Naming of the "new world"
Vespucci was a navigator the traveld to the " new world " aka America -
Sep 1, 1503
Da Vinci Paints the mona lisa
Da Vinci was a great writer and painter . Da Vinci was born on April 15 1452. The Mona lisa took him three years to complete -
Oct 31, 1517
Martin Luther 95 Theses
Marthin luther posted a theses on the door of the Catholic church in Wittenberg Germany . Saying the problems and corruption of the church. Martin luther was later excommunicated but he didn't care. -
Oct 1, 1532
Pizarro Invades The Empire
Pizzaro kills the aztec king -
Oct 1, 1545
Council Of Trent
caused by the Protestant Reformation the idea of the Counter Reformation. -
Oct 1, 1570
Elizabeth I Become Queen of England
She became Queen on 1570 and died on 24 March 1603 -
Oct 1, 1582
Henry VIII Founds Anglican Chunrch
England broke with rome because pope clement VII didn't let him get a divorce -
christopher Columbus voyage in 1492 Spain wanted to own colonies in the Americas -
Slave trade accros the alantic
Erupeans didnt want native americans anymore so they bought west africans to make goods care for crops and make clothes