
Wold History Winton Austin

  • Oct 1, 1096

    Crusades Are Fought

    Crusades Are Fought
    religious and political wars fought between 1096 and 1291 to controll the land
  • Oct 1, 1347

    Black Death Begins in Europe

    Black Death Begins in Europe
    The Black death originated in Asia. Black death spread through trade routes and trade ships . Killed 3rd of Europes Population . The disease came from fleas on rats
  • Mar 6, 1475


    He was an Italian sculptor painter architect poet and engineer.
  • Oct 1, 1480

    Magellan start his trip around the world

    Magellan start his trip around the world
    he was the first European to cross the Pacific Ocean.with five ships to find fast routes
  • Aug 3, 1492

    1st voyage (Columbus)

    1st voyage (Columbus)
    Convinced The king and queen of spain to pay for his trip he left in august and returned in septemeber
  • Jul 1, 1497

    Da Gama Lands In India

    Da Gama Lands In India
    English explorer land in Africa by going through the Atlantic Ocean
  • Oct 1, 1499

    Naming of the "new world"

    Naming of the "new world"
    Vespucci was a navigator the traveld to the " new world " aka America
  • Sep 1, 1503

    Da Vinci Paints the mona lisa

    Da Vinci Paints the mona lisa
    Da Vinci was a great writer and painter . Da Vinci was born on April 15 1452. The Mona lisa took him three years to complete
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Martin Luther 95 Theses

    Martin Luther 95 Theses
    Marthin luther posted a theses on the door of the Catholic church in Wittenberg Germany . Saying the problems and corruption of the church. Martin luther was later excommunicated but he didn't care.
  • Oct 1, 1532

    Pizarro Invades The Empire

    Pizarro Invades The Empire
    Pizzaro kills the aztec king
  • Oct 1, 1545

    Council Of Trent

    Council  Of Trent
    caused by the Protestant Reformation the idea of the Counter Reformation.
  • Oct 1, 1570

    Elizabeth I Become Queen of England

    Elizabeth I Become Queen of England
    She became Queen on 1570 and died on 24 March 1603
  • Oct 1, 1582

    Henry VIII Founds Anglican Chunrch

    Henry VIII Founds Anglican Chunrch
    England broke with rome because pope clement VII didn't let him get a divorce
  • Jamestown

    christopher Columbus voyage in 1492 Spain wanted to own colonies in the Americas
  • Slave trade accros the alantic

    Slave trade accros the alantic
    Erupeans didnt want native americans anymore so they bought west africans to make goods care for crops and make clothes