William Steinmetz P.7 Religion Quiz

By 802688
  • 3000 BCE


    Hinduism is primarily dominant in India and makes up 10% of the world's population. The holy book is the veda and there's 4. The Rig Veda, Sama Veda, Atharva Veda, and the Yajur Veda. Their symbol is the AUM.
  • 3000 BCE

    Hinduism Part 2

    For Hindus the Ganges River is sacred because when bathed in it washes away sins. The fundamental belief is to reach Nirvana. One holiday related to this religion is Diwali. A conflict was the partition of India where all of the Muslims were forced out of India and into Pakistan. This happened once the government fell
  • 1900 BCE


    Judaism is primarily dominant in Israel and makes up 1.9% of the world's population. The symbol for the religion is David's Star
  • 1900 BCE

    Judaism Part 2

    For Jews Jerusalem is a holy site because it's the place where god resided. One holiday related to this religion is Hanukkah. A conflict that happened was WWll where millions of Jews were killed by the Nazi's.
  • 600 BCE


    Buddhism is primarily dominant in Eastern Asia and makes up 5% of the world's population. The symbol for this religion is the Dharmachakra.
  • 600 BCE

    Buddhism Part 2

    A holy site for Buddhists is Kushinagar which was Buddha's finally resting place. The fundamental belief is to move past suffering and reach Nirvana. A conflict was the Rohingya Genocide where the Burmese military massacred the muslim people living there.
  • 30


    Christianity is primarily dominant in the Americas and Australia making up 31.6% of the World's Population. The holy book is the Bible and the cross is what is associated with the religion
  • 30

    Christianity Part 2

    A sacred place for christians is Jerusalem because it was where Jesus was born. One holiday related to this religion is Christmas which is to celebrate the birth of Jesus. A conflict related to this religion is the Crusades. Where the christians rallied forces to attack the muslims and take land back.
  • 620


    Islam is primarily dominant in Europe and the Middle East and makes up 20% of world's population. It's holy book is the Zaleah Sawm Hajj Shahadan and it's symbol is the cresent star
  • 620

    Islam Part 2

    A sacred place for Muslims is Mecca which was the birthplace of Prophet Muhammad. A conflict related to this religion was the Crusades where the christians attacked the Muslims to try to take land back.