William Golding Timeline,Avery H

  • William was born/early life

    William was born/early life
    William Goldberg was born on Sep 19 1911 in Saint Columb Minor Cornwall England. His parents were both very good people as his mom was a fighter for women's rights and his dad was a schoolmaster. William ended up going to Brasenose College at Oxford University where he studied English lit.
  • Teaching

    After College Golding worked in settlement houses and in the theatre for a while but eventually followed his father's footsteps and became a teacher. His teaching leads to him writing his book lord of the flies in the future.
  • Royal Navy

    Royal Navy
    Golding left teaching and spent the next six months on a boat, except for a seven-month stint in NY. In NY he assisted Lord Cherwell at the Naval Research Establishment. Being in the Navy helped Golding develop a love for sailing and the sea.
  • Life in the War

    Life in the War
    Golding ended up fighting in WWII, he fought battleships at the sinking of the Bismarck, and also fended off submarines and planes. He was also made Lieutenant and was placed in command of rocket-launching craft. After war Golding went back to teaching and writing.
  • Lord Of the Flies

    Lord Of the Flies
    After 21 rejections Golding published his first most acclaimed novel Lord of the Flies. The novel told a story of a group of adolescent boys who were stranded on an island after their plane crashed during the war. The novel explores the savage side of humanity as the boys all eventually turn on each other.
  • Death and Legacy

    Death and Legacy
    Golding soon retired from teaching and focused on writing and on his life in general. He spent those last few years of his life with his wife Ann Brookfeild and they had two children also. Sadly on June 19th, 1993 Golding passed away after a heart attack. His life is remembered as one of the most successful and inspiring ones of all time.