William golding

William Golding

  • Birth

    William Golding was born in Saint Columb Minor, Cornwall, England. He was raised in a 14th century house next to a graveyard. His mom, Mildred, was a british suffragette and his dad, Alex, was a school teacher.
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    William Golding

  • Early Years

    Early Years
    William Golding recieved his early eucation at the school his dad taught at, Marlborough Grammar School. When William Golding was 12 he tried to write a novel but was unsuccessful. As a child William found an outlet in bullying his peers.
  • College Years

    College Years
    For college William Golding atteneded Brasenose College at Oxford University. William Golding's dad wanted him to be a scientist but instead Golding studied English Literature. In 1934, Golding published his first book, a book of poems called Poems.
  • Teaching

    Following his dad's footsteps in 1935 William Golding started teaching English and Philosophy at Bishops Wordworth's School in Salisbury. Teaching unruly young boys later was the inspiration for his novel Lord of the Flies. Golding temporarily left teaching to join the Royal Navy in 1940.
  • Royal Navy

    Royal Navy
    William Golding spend about 6 years over seas, except for the 7 month stint in New York. Golding developed a lifelong love for sailing and the sea while in the Royal Navy.
  • World War II

    World War II
    While fighting in World War II, William Golding fought in battleships at the sinking of Bismark and Golding also fended off planes and submaries. While in war Golding was even placed in command of a rocket launch craft. When World War II ended in 1945 Golding went back to teaching and writing.
  • Literary Inspirations

    Literary Inspirations
    While William Golding spend five years in the navy, being in that royal navy was a large inpiration to him because he was exposed to the incredible cruelty humankind is capable of. Golding wrote about his experiences being at war. In the style of fiction used by Willam Golding uses storytelling techniques and the main conflict in many of his stories is the problem of evil and power.
  • Lord of the Flies

    Lord of the Flies
    William Golding's novel Lord of the Flies had 21 rejections in the process of publishing but was finally published and is one of Willam Golding's most acclaimed novels. This book's main idea is about the internal struggle a man has between good and evil. In 1990 the film version of Lord of the Flies was released.
  • Death

    William Golding died in Perranarworthal, Cornwall. Golding died of a heart attack. After he died, William Golding's manuscript for The Double Tongue was published.
  • Golding's Legacy

    Golding's Legacy
    The most successful novels of William Golding wrote during his career as a writer was Rites of Passage, Pincher Martin, Free Fall, and The Pyramid. Golding mainly wrote novels, he also wrote poetry, plays, essays, and short stories. He also won awards for his work.