William golding

William Golding's Life

  • Birth

    Born in Saint Collumb Minor, Cornwall, England.
  • 1st Published Work

    1st Published Work
    Before he graduated he published his first work called "Poems." It was unsuccessful.
  • Occupation

    He took on a teaching position at Bishop Wordsworth School in Sailsbury, in the English and Philosophy fields.
  • Military

    He left his teaching occupation to fight in World War II.
  • After the War

    After the War
    He went back into teaching after the war.
  • Lord of the Flies

    Lord of the Flies
    After 21 rejections he published "Lord of the Flies."
  • Retired

    Retired from teaching at the Bishop Wordsworth School
  • Movie Premier

    Movie Premier
    Movie made of "Lord of the Flies"
  • Award

    Won the Nobel Prize for Literature at the age of 72... 29 years after first publishing "Lord of the Flies"
  • Sir WIlliam Golding

    Sir WIlliam Golding
    Knighted by Queen Elizabeth II
  • Movie Remake

    Movie Remake
    A new version of "Lord of the Flies" was released
  • Death of Sir William Golding

    Death of Sir William Golding
    Died from a heart attack