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william golding

  • born

    William Golding was born on September 19th 1911 in Newquay UK
  • Early education

    William started primary school on September 1st 1916
  • Graduated college

    Graduated college
    William Golding attended Oxford University and majored in English Litterature
  • Married

    William Golding got married in 1939 on September 30th to Ann Brookfield
  • Joined the Royal Navy

    Joined the Royal Navy
    William joined the Royal Navy in 1940 to fight in World War 2
  • Lord of the Flies was published

    Lord of the Flies was published
    William Goldings book Lord of the Flies was published on September 17th 1954
  • Pincher Martin

    Pincher Martin
    William golding published Pincher Martin in 1956
  • Man Booker Prize

    Man Booker Prize
    William won the Man Booker Prize in 1980
  • Nobel Prize in Litterature

    Nobel Prize in Litterature
    Willliam Golding won a Nobel Prize in Literature in 1983
  • Died

    William Golding died on June 19th 1993