William golding

William Golding

  • Background

    William Golding was born in 1911 in Cornwall, England. His mother, Mildred, was an active suffragette who fought for women's right to vote. His father, Alex, worked as a schoolmaster.
  • College

    Golding went to college to study science and become a scientist, but after 2 years, he switched to study English
  • Take off

    His first published work was a poem he wrote.
  • 2nd job

    Golding later became a schoolmaster and taught philosophy and English, then just English from 1945 to 1961.
  • Marriage and Family

    Golding married Ann Brookfield, a chemist. And they later had two children , Judith and David
  • War

    Golding spent 5 years in the Royal Navy during World War 2. He fought on a destroyer.
  • Writing

    Golding quit teaching at Bishop Wordsworth School in 1961 to pursue a full time writing career
  • Death

    Golding died in 1993 of heart failure. He is lived on by his novels and children.