William Golding

  • Birth Of William Golding

    William was born September 11,1911. He was born in Saint Colomb Minor, Cornwall, England
  • Early LIfe

    William went to attend Brasenose College at Oxford University. William studied English Literature
  • After College

    He worked in settlement houses and a theater for a while. He decided to follow his father's footsteps.
  • Teaching

    He started teaching English and philosophy at Bishop Wordsworth's in Salibury. Teaching unruly young boys would later serve as inspiratio for his novel
  • Royal Navy

    Golding developed a lifelong romance with sailing and the sea. Golding spent the better part of the next six years
  • Fighting

    During WWII, he fought battleships at the sinking of the Bismarck. He fended off submarines and planes.
  • Lord of the Flies

    After 21 rejections, He finally published his novel Lord of the Flies. It's about the gripping story of a group of adolescent boys stranded on a island
  • Accomplishments

    Golding retired from teaching.Two decades later, at 73, Golding was awarded the 1983 Noble prizw
  • Lord of the Flies

    In 1935 he started teaching English and philosophy in Salisbury. In 1954 he published his first novel , Lord of the Flies . June 19,1993 he died
  • Death

    On June 19,1993 He died of a heart attack. After he died, his completed manuscript for The DOuble Tongue was published posthumously.