William Golding

  • Birth

    William Golding was born on September 19, 1911, in Saint Columbus Minor, Cornwall England. His mother and fathers names are Mildred and Alex
  • Education

    William received education from Marlborough Grammar School, which his father ran
  • First Attempt

    At age 12 William Golding attempted to write his first novel and failed miserably, he then proceeded to take his anger out by bullying other kids
  • College

    William attended Brasenole College at Oxford University and studied English Literature.
  • First Book

    In 1934 William published his first work, a book of poetry titled "Poems" which ended up being greatly over looked.
  • Profession

    In 1935 William took a position teaching English and Philosophy at Bishop Word swath's School in Salisbury.
  • Royal Navy

    In 1940 William Golding left teaching and joined the Royal Navy to fight in WW2
  • After the war

    In 1945 after WW2 William returned to teaching and writhing his books
  • First Novel

    In 1954 William published his first Novel "Lord of Flies" which was rejected several times before its publication.
  • Retirement

    In 1963 William Golding retired from teaching to live the rest of his life out.
  • Death

    On June 19th, 1993 William died of a heart attack in Berranar Worthal Cornwall near London England.