William Golding

  • Birth

    He was born in Saint Columb Minor, Cornwall, England. He lived with his mother Mildred and father Alex.
  • Attending College

    Attending College
    He attended Brasenose College at Oxford University. He studied english literature.
  • Writting his first book

    Writting his first book
    He wrote his first book of poetry called " Poems". It was overlooked by many.
  • First Position

    First Position
    Golding took his first position teaching English and Philosophy at Bishop Wordsworth school in Salisbury.
  • The Navy

    The Navy
    He liked teaching alot but he chose to join the Royal Navy and fight in World War ll. He spend the next 6 years fighting.
  • Back to Teaching

    Back to Teaching
    After the years of fighting the war ended in 1945 he finally went back to teaching.
  • " The Lord of the Flies"

    " The Lord of the Flies"
    He finally had his book published after 21 tries.
  • Retierment

    He finally retired from teaching.
  • Big Acomplishments

    Big Acomplishments
    After two decades he was awarded with a Nobel Prize in Literature
  • Knighted

    He was knighted by England Queens Elizabeth ll.
  • Movie

    A film version of his novel was created.
  • Death

    He died from suffering a heart attack in Perranarworthal, Cornwell.