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Sir Lt. William Golding

  • Birth

    William was born in a village known as Saint Columb Minor, in Cornwall, England. He was raised in a 14th-century house next to a graveyard. His mother, Mildred, was an active suffragette who fought for women’s right to vote. His father, Alex, worked as a teacher.
  • Starting out

    Starting out
    A the age of 12 he tried to write his first novel. He failed.
  • College life

    College life
    A year before he graduated, Golding published his first novel. The novel, ¨Poems¨, was a collection of poems and fell under the eyes of most critics
  • Period: to


    After graduation William worked at settlement houses and the theater for a short while, until he eventually became a teacher at Bishop Wordsworth’s School in Salisbury.
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    World war ll

    In the year 1940, William joined Royal Navy to fight in the War. Lieutenant Golding was even placed in command of a rocket-launching craft.
    In 1945, after World War II had ended, Golding went back to teaching and writing.
  • Lord of the Flies

    Lord of the Flies
    Golding publishes his greatest novel, ¨Lord of the Flies¨. the book is about a class of boys that get stranded on a deserted island and explores the savagery of humanity.
  • Sir Golding

    Sir Golding
    Lt. William Golding is Knighted by Queen Elizabeth ll.
  • Death

    Sir Lt. William Golding left the world with a legacy as one of the greatest authors of his century.