William Golding

  • William Golding was born

    William Golding was born
    He was born in newquay united kingdom
  • graduation

    He graduated at Brasenose college in 1935
  • joined royal navy

    joined royal navy
    Golding joined the royal navy in 1940 and saw the sinking of the German ship Bismark
  • Lord of the flies

    Lord of the flies
    He published lord of the flies as his first novel after the war
  • the inheritors

    the inheritors
    The inheritors was his second published book set in the last days of the neanderthal man.
  • Free fall

    Free fall
    His third published book Free fall in 1959 but it was very alike to his future book spire.
  • The spire

    The spire
    The spire he published in 1964 was alike to his past book Free fall but was made years later
  • His death

    His death
    Sadly William Golding died in June 19th 1993.