William Golding

  • William Golding birth

    William Golding birth
    William Golding was born on September 19 1911 in Saint Columb Minor, Cornwall England.
  • Education

    William Golding Attended Brasenose collage where he studied English literature. Before graduating, he published his first work called poetry.
  • Teaching

    In 1935 William started teaching English and philosophy at Bishops Worldsworth school at Salisbury.
  • Royal Navy

    Royal Navy
    Though William Golding was passionate about teaching, he decided to join the Navy in world war II. There he spent the next 6 years of his life until the war ended in 1945.
  • Lord Of The Flies

    Lord Of The Flies
    After world war II, William decided to publish his first novel, Lord Of The Flies. 2 decades later, William was awarded the Nobel prize for literature.