What Put the Limits on England's Monarchy?

  • Jun 15, 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    King John was forced into signing this document. The document greatly reduces the power of the king by forcing him to govern by the rules before the Norman take over and created a powerful parliament. It was a basis for human rights.
  • Jun 15, 1215

    Creation of the English Parliament

    Creation of the English Parliament
    The Parliament of England was created under the Magna Carta. It was through the English Parliament that the monarchy was limited. Without the Parliament, the Monarchy would continue to be absolute today.
  • English Civil War

    English Civil War
    The English Civil War was a series of armed conflicts between people who believed in the Monarchy versus people who believed in Parliament. During the Battle of Worcester, the Parliamentarian’s won!
  • Habeas Corpus

    Habeas Corpus
    This document was passed during King Charles II reign. It made sure that the courts would ensure that a prisoner was justly imprisoned. This made sure that the King could not throw anyone into prison for an arbitrary reason.
  • English Bill of Rights

    English Bill of Rights
    This document set the boundaries of certain basic civil rights. The bill limited the power of the Monarchy and parliament, while specifically making illegal cruel and unusual punishment, and legalizing the right to bear arms.
  • Glorious Revolution

    Glorious Revolution
    This momentous event was the overthrow of King James II. By overthrowing King James II a more modern parliament was able to be formed and the Billy of Rights was created. Since the creation of the Bill of Rights due to this revolution, England has never seen a monarch with absolute power.
  • Act of Settlement

    Act of Settlement
    This Act was key to the formation of the Kingdom of Great Britain. The Act made sure that anyone who inherited the throne was not Catholic and that the government and monarchy did not have a lot of power.