Innovation for PD of 21st Century Learning Begins
As OCDE Edtech refines their vision and identity based on the collection of decribed services and collaboration of team, the Edtech Team further refines their brand as OC Innovate and begins plans for an execution of implementing "innovation" in one of the four primary services to OC districts. (Professional Development) -
Period: to
Research to Establish Values and Mindset for 21st Century PD Learning Environment
Develop a process for innovative design of learning environments that respond to the shifts in education as well as how students can learn through effective relevant environments that keep them engaged 24/7. -
Redesign OC Innovate Logo
Innovate- Think different.
- Reshaped models of instruction.
- Altered the way we interact with one another.
- Invites more students to express personal voice with low anxiety tools .
- Engages students -
Redefine Vision, Mission, Values, and Goals
Vision: Mission: Goals: Values -
Custom Training Packages
Custom Training to districts
Training based on a series
1. Introductory
2. Follow Up Plus PLN Creation
3. Model Lessons Posted
4. Model Lessons Filmed
5. Experts Celebrated and Badged -
21st Century Learning Lab
Partnership for 21st Century Learning
<br>OC Innovate creates a professional development learning space that wil reflect network-based concepts of flow, collaboration, and dynamism by rearranging the lab for authentic 21st century learning. -
Digital Portfolios PD
Professional Devlopment on Digital Portfolios to measure process skills, learning and innovation skills, college and career readiness, and project based learning. -
Wearable Technology Professional Development
Google Glasses for Insruction and learning in Face to Face learning as well as Online Learning