
What changed America

  • Jan 1, 1492

    Finding of America

    Finding of America
    Columbus finds America, being off coarse
  • Jan 1, 1497

    Claims England

    John Cabot claims North America for England
  • Jan 1, 1521

    Ponce de leon

    Ponce de Leon lands in what is now Florida to attempt to settle it. He is wounded in a fight there, and dies in Cuba
  • First birth!

    First birth!
    Virginia Dare is born, first born in the new country
  • Arrive to new world

    Arrive to new world
    Pilgrims arrive in new world, being off course. Mayflower compact is signed, initiating type of "government."
  • French and Indian war

    The French and Indian War begins. The War will end in 1763. Benjamin Franklin proposes a "Plan of the Union," to join all colonies other than Georgia under a president.
  • Ending

    The Treaty of Paris ends the French and Indian War
  • Sugar Act

    Sugar Act
    The Sugar Act is passed in England.
  • Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act is passed.
  • Stamp Act repealed

    The Stamp Act is repealed, but a Declaratory Act, making colonists subject to laws passed by the English Parliament, is passed.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    The Boston Tea Party takes place, a reaction against an English effort to allow the British East India Company to monopolize the tea market in the colonies.
  • 1775-1783 Revolutionary War

    1775-1783 Revolutionary War
    The Revolutionary War, the American War of Independence
  • First President

    First President
    George Washington becomes the first President of the United States.
  • War of 1812

    The United States declares war on Great Britain, despite British efforts to defuse trade disagreements.
  • British Revenge for 1812

    British Revenge for 1812
    British exact their revenge in the War of 1812, burning the White House.
  • Mexican-American War

    The Mexican-American War begins in May. It lasts for a year, when fighting ends. The resulting Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (Feb. 2, 1848) annexes to the United States from Mexico parts New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada and Utah. The countries agree that the boundary between Texas and Mexico is the Rio Grande (Rio Bravo del Norte).
  • Californian Gold

    Californian Gold
    Gold is found in California
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    One month after Lincoln is sworn in as President, the first shot is fired on Fort Sumter, South Carolina. The Civil War begins.
  • Wright Brothers

    Wright brothers fly a plane in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina.
  • WWl

    WWl begins
  • Great Depression

    In October, the stock market crashes, and the Great Depression begins.
  • WWll

    1939-World War II begins when Germany invades Poland, and pursuant to an agreement, Great Britain defends Poland and declares war against Germany
  • Pear Harbor

    On December 7, the Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor. The next day, the United States declares war against Japan.
  • D-Day

    D-Day, the invasion of the French beaches of Normandy, takes place on June 6.
  • Adolf Hitler

    Hitler commits suicide.
  • Cold War

    The Cold War between erstwhile allies, the United States and the Soviet Union, begins
  • JFK Assassinated

    Kennedy is assassinated in Dallas by Lee Harvey Oswald (alone).
  • 9-11

  • Obama President

    First African-American President in the USA
  • School Shooting

    Worst school shooting
  • Superbowl

    Ravens win the superbowl