what change do we experience as we go from a child to ateenger, a young adult a middle-aged person and an old person?
By yeccy ortiz
childhood (0 to 6 years old)
It is the developmental phase characterized by the learning of psycho-motor skills and abilities, as well as language. Other characteristics of the childhood stage are: The infant begins to eat solid foods.
They begin the first movements autonomously, first crawling and then walking. -
what physical changes are there in the pubertal?
pubertal development is controlled and regulated by multiple neuroendocrine and hormonal factors that intervene in the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis.
at puberty there is an acceleration and deceleration of growth, changes in body composition and sexual characteristics, being earlier in women than in men -
what emocional changes are there in the adolecence
adolescence is the healthiest period of life from the physical point of view, but the most problematic and with high psychosocial risk. the role of the health professional to accompany and guide adolescent to become a competent adult is essential -
what physical changes are there in the youth (20-25)
youth (20 to 25 years old)
At this stage, the first adult social interactions begin, although the individual still lacks emotional maturity.
Culmination of the physical development process.
The individual begins to experience the world with a clearer vision of himself and what he wants for the future.
In many cases, this is the stage of emancipation, as the individual begins to generate their own income and lay the foundation for their adult life. -
Middle adulthood (40 to 50 years of age)
From the age of 40, the changes typical of menopause in women and andropause in men begin, characterized by: Hormonal fluctuations
Emotional changes
Change in weight and height
Decreased sex drive
Appearance of gray hair and fine lines
Loss of bone and muscle mass. -
Late adulthood (50 to 60 years of age)
In addition to the intensification of physical changes that began in previous stages, late adulthood is characterized by a series of vital changes that have an impact on social dynamics: Emancipation of children, which in many cases implies the beginning of a period of loneliness for parents.
It is the phase of retirement and rethinking of priorities, so skills, talents, hobbies and social ties are especially important in this period. -
Old age (60 years and older)
Old age, also called third age, is the last stage of human development and is characterized by Progressive deterioration of physical and cognitive abilities.
Tendency to social isolation, either as a consequence of the appearance or evolution of diseases or due to the reduction of the social circle caused by the death of other peers.