Lousiana Purchase
In 1803 America purcahsed 828,000 acres of the lousiana territory from France, costing a total of 15 million dollars. Our nation was more than doubled in size. -
Lewis and Clark Expedition
The first American Expedition to exlore west of the U.S. The expeditions job was to explore and map out the new American land the Lousiana Purchase. -
The War of 1812
A two and a half year war between America, Great Britian and Irealand. America declared war for many reasons such as, trade restrictions from the British, support towards indian tribs going against the American expansion by Britian, etc. -
Missouri Compromise
Missiouri Compromise regulated slavery in the western territories, it prohibited slavery in the Lousiana terriotory, but it was still alowed in the state of missouri. -
Monroe Doctrine
A U.S policy that prevented colonization in North and South America from the european coutries. Any further colonization was veiwed as an act of aggresion. -
Indian Removel Act
Treaties gave the govermant permission to forceibly remove Indians off their land, and most of the time Inidan cheifs were pressured into signing them. -
Oregon Trail
A wagon route trail connecting Missori River and Oregon. -
Manifest Destiny
Manifest Destiney was the beleif that it was "gods will" to settle in the west. -
Mexican - American war
A war fought between Mexico and America cause of tension between the boarder. After one year of battle Mexico signed a treaty handing California, Wyoming, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, and Colordo to the U.S. -
Oregon Treaty
The treaty brought an end to the Oregon boundry dispute bewteen America and United Kingdom. It settled both countries claims to the Oregon Country. -
California Gold Rush
The finding of gold at Sutters Mill California, a week before Mexico sold California to America. Two months after the find news spread to the public, many didnt beileve it but those who did fleed from home to make a fortune off of the gold. Soon the small town Coloma became a boom town. -
1851 Act
"Appropriation Bill for Indian Affairs", made weastern indian tribes move onto reservations that were protect by U.S goverment. These reservations were made to help protect the Natives from the expading nation. -
Kansas-Nebraska Act
the Kansas and Nebraska territories opened new lands for settlement, This had repealed the Missori Comprimise by allowing white male settlers to determine wether or not slavery should be allowed in every territory. The prupose of this act was to open many more farms, and to continue the Transcontinental railroad in the western states. -
Gadsden Purchase
The 29,640-square-mile purchase of present day Arizona and New Mexico. This was the last territory added to the U.S. -
Pony Express
Pony express was a way for people to transport letters, or packages, by horseback across the counrty, -
Homestaed Act
An act signed by President Licoln, gave anyone 21 or older the right to file an appliciation to claim fedral land. -
Transcontinental Road
Built by three privite companies, in a span of six years, the transcontinental road was the future for transportaion. Connecting Western United States to the Pacific Coast. This made transportation of goods faster and cheaper. -
The Sand Creek Massacre
Chyanne, a peacful village was destryoed by 700 men from the Colordo Militia. -
Indian Appropriation Act
Four diffrent acts under the same name (act 1851-1889). The 1871 act made Indian Nations no longer an independent Nation. -
1885 Act
This act allowed Indian individuales, or tribes to sell any unoccupied land.