Westward Expansion

  • Settling the southwest and California

    After Mexico had become independent, in 1821 they allowed Americans into New Mexico territory which was modern-day Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, and parts of Colorado. Mexico also let Americans into texas in hopes they would protect them from Indian attack.
  • Settling the southwest and California

    About 20,000 Americans had moved to Texas.
  • Texas war of Independence

    General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna took over as dictator of Mexico. Rumors spread that he wanted to get rid of the Americans, so the Americans decided to shake free. Mexicans living in Texas called the Tejanos supported the Americans, and wanted to get rid of the dictator.
  • Texas war of Independence

    In 1835 a war starts for Texas Independence
  • Texas war of Independence

    Texans occupied San Antonio and 200 Texans defended a mission called the Alamo. The Mexicans attacked the Alamo, and in twelve days the Texans were defeated and killed.
  • Texas war of Independence

    Santa Anna was forced to sign a treaty and grant independence to Texas
  • Settling the southwest and California

    In 1845 texas was annexed to the U.S. and became the 28th state
  • Mexican cession

    The U.S. offered 30 million dollars to Mexico for the Mexican cession territory. Mexico refused then the U.S. declared war in 1846
  • Gold Rush

    The News of the discovery of gold in California spread throughout the country, and the population boomed to 300,000 people.
  • Mexican cession

    America wins the war in 1848 and gets the Mexican cession for half of the amount originally offered.