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Westward expansion

By Farhiya
  • The Louisiana Purchase

    The Louisiana Purchase
    This is a that shows where the Louisiana purchase was.
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    The Louisiana Purchase

    The Louisiana Purchase has doubled the United States size, established 14 new states to the Union, and considerably expanded the country's borders. Also, because the Port of New Orleans would be under French control, American trade and commerce would be significantly slowed.
  • Lewis and Clark

    Lewis and Clark
    This picture shows a Native American helping Lewis and Clark know where the other natives are located.
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    Lewis and Clark

    The Lewis and Clark Expedition; the War of 1812, which established existing US borders while defeating indigenous americans in the Old Northwest, the Ohio and Upper Mississippi valleys; and the Indian Removal Act of 1830, which forcibly relocated nearly all Indians from the Southeast to the present-day states of Arkansas and Oklahoma, a journey known as the Trail of Tears.
  • The organ Trial

    The organ Trial
    This maps shows a trial from Missouri to Oregon.
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    The Oregon Trial

    The Oregon Trail was established at a time when westward colonization and growth were booming. A wagon train of 1,000 individuals traversed the Oregon Trail, an accomplishment which required crossing the formidable Rocky Mountains. They took with them foods as hard tack, coffee, bacon, rice, beans, and flour.
  • Texas Statehood

    Texas Statehood
    Texas' continued independence was favored by the Great Britain in order to prevent the United States from expanding westward.Texas being a free state made it become a target for the westward expansion due to its closeness to the established Southwest and the possibility that, unlike New Mexico and California, it was not surrounded by mountains.
  • Mormons settle Utah

    Mormons settle Utah
    Exodus of Latter-day Saints to Utah begins. Church members of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (known as Mormons) of Nauvoo, Illinois, undertake a long westward journey that finally leads them to the Great Salt Lake Valley in Utah after their leader is murdered. They went through the wildernes 1,300 miles to the rocky mountains.
  • The Califronia Gold Rush

    The Califronia Gold Rush
    The 1849 Gold Rush aided the westward expansion of the country. The Californian Gold Rush had a favorable impact on western expansion since it resulted in California becoming a state. The discovery of gold sparked a rush of people to the west, resulting in boomtowns like San Francisco.
  • oregan as a state

    oregan as a state
    The region became famed for its fur trade, which was dominated by the British Hudson's Bay Company. Many countries desired to claim the country for themselves because of the rich fur trade that was established in the region. The Oregon Treaty was a treaty signed by the United Kingdom and the United States.
  • Homestead Act

    Homestead Act
    In the 1850s, the idea that the US government should provide free land titles to settlers in order to encourage westward growth grew popular. They were trying to get people to move to west so they gave them free land. The bill was passed by congress and vetoed by the president at the which was Buchanan. In 1862 it become a law.
  • South Dokota Gold Rush

    South Dokota Gold Rush
    People dreamed of moving west, establishing a claim on their own land, and discovering riches during the Gold Rush. For some, this desire became a reality when they followed the path west and used Manifest Destiny to start a new life. Some people were successful into getting of gold and settling in but others were too late.
  • Dokota Territory Statehood

    Dokota Territory Statehood
    On November 2, 1889, the final extent of the reduced territory was separated and the states of North Dakota and South Dakota were added to the Union.The settlers prospered as farmers and constructed homes and factories. Native Americans were forced to live on small reservations after losing their land. American finally decided to settle down in 1890.