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Westward Expansion

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    Manifest Destiny

    Manifest destiny refers to the idea that it is the god given right for Americans too move westward and claim land stretching from ocean to ocean. This helped contribute to expansion greatly as people Believed it was their duty to do.
  • Oregon Trail

    Oregon Trail
    This was the path taken by Americans who wanted to travel to the beautiful Oregon territory. The Path people took to get there was created into a game to represent the harshness of the journey. Many people died due to illness, lack of nutrition, and natural disasters.
  • Indian Removal Act

     Indian Removal Act
    Signed in 1830, the Indian removal act allowed for Americans to move into new spaces previously owned by Native American tribes. And moving the tribes into what is now days Oklahoma. It also increased slavery and helped slavery move westward.
  • Battle of The Alamo

    Battle of The Alamo
    This was a battle between Mexican troops and American troops defending the Alamo. Within a few hours everyone defending the Alamo had died and was used as motivation to get more people involved with the Mexican-American War.
  • Annexation of Texas 1845

    Annexation of Texas 1845
    Texas was once a region in Mexico that many white settlers started to move into in 1821. With them they carried slaves and resources to start making cotton plantations. The climate and soil was perfect and as more and more Americans settled there the Mexican government began to take note of the fact there were many slaves even though Mexico had outlawed slavery. Because of the conflict Texas declared independence but shortly after began to suffer financially which is why they joined the U.S.
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    Mexican-American War

    This war was caused by a dispute over who was able to claim Texas. After the Americans won the war they paid 15 million for the claim. This is half the price of their original offer for the same claim.
  • Oregon Treaty

    Oregon Treaty
    In 1846, Britain signed the Oregon territory over to the United States. This gave the United States access to most of British Columbia which was later handed back over but we kept what is nowadays Oregon and Washington.
  • Mormons move to Utah

    Mormons move to Utah
    Brigham young brought a group of over 5000 Mormons to Utah’s Salt Lake City to escape religious prosecution in Illinois. At the time this area was claimed by Mexico but is now Utah.
  • California Gold a Rush

    California Gold a Rush
    When gold was discovered in California in 1848. Many people immediately packed their bags and headed west with hopes of striking it rich.
  • The Pony Express

    The Pony Express
    This was a mailing system that became needed after the populations in the west were rapidly growing. This mailing system connected the East to the west and provided a “fast” mailing system.