Western Timeline

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    Daniel boone

    is the most widely known of American frontiersmen. Daniel Boone is the most widely known of American frontiersmen. He served as the model for James Fenimore Cooper’s Leatherstocking, and his adventures inspired incidents in hundreds of works of fiction. Even Lord Byron mentioned him in Don Juan. Without Boone the history of Kentucky would have been much different.
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    Eli Whitney invented cotton gin

    The modern mechanical cotton gin was invented in the Intied states of american in 1793 by Eli Whitney. Whitney applied for patent on october 28,1793, the patent was granted on march 14,1794 but was not validated until 1807
  • The Louisiana Purchase

    The Louisiana purchase was a massive land sale that doubles the size of the young American republic.
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    Lewis and Clark ExpeditionWar of 1812

    The war of 1812 came about over competition of western lands. Amerians hoped to expand the inited states by seizing control of both canada and florida.
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    The Texas Revolution

    The Texas Revolution began when Clonists in the Mexican province of Texas rebelled against the increasngly centrailst Mexican government
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    The Oregon Trail

    The Oregon Trail was a mojor route that people took when migrating to the western part of the Untied States. Between 1841 and 1869, hundreds of thousands of people traveled westqaed on the trail. Many of them traveled in large wagon trains using covered wagons to carry their belongings.
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    The Mexican war

    The war between the U.s and Mexico, which spanned the period from the spring of 1846 to the fall of 1847, was initiated by the United states and resulted in Mexicos defeat and loss of approximately half of its national territory in the north.
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    The Donner Party

    The Donner Party was group of American pionneers led by George Donner and James.F Reed who set out for California in a wagon train.Delayed by a series of mishaps and mistakes,they spent the winter of 1846-47 sonwbound in the sierra nevada.
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    The California Gold Rush

    The California gold rush was a period in Amerian History which began on January 24,1848 when gold was founf by james W. Marshall at sutter's Mill in Coloma California.
  • The massacre at wounded knee

    The wounded knee massacre ocurred on December 29,1890,near wounded knee dreek on the Lakota pine Ridge Indian Reservation in the U.S States of south Dakota
  • Manifest Destiny

    Is a term for the attitude prevalent during the 19th century period of American expansion that the Untied States not only could, but was destined to,stretch from coast to coast. This attitude helped fuel western settlement,Native American removal and war with Mexico.
  • The Battle of Little Bighorn (Custer’s Last Stand)

    The Battle of the Little Bighorn,Known to Lakota as the Battle of the Greasy Grass, and commonly referred to as Custer's Last Stand, was an armed engagement between combined forces of the Lakota,Northern Cheyenne, and Arapahp tribes, against the 7th cayalry regiment of the United Startes army.
  • Indian Removal/Trail of tears

    The Indian remocal act was passed by congress on may 28,1830 during the prasidency of Andrew Jackson. The law aithorixed the president to negotiate with southern Indian tribes for their removal to federal territory west of the Mississippi River in exchange for their ancestral homelands.Andrew jackson's Indian removal policy, the Cherokee nation was forced to give up its lands east of the Mississippi River and to migrate to an area in Present day Oklahoma. The cherokee people called this journey
  • Marcus and Narcissa Whitman

    Narcissa Prentiss whitman was an American Missionary in the Oregon countru of what would become the state of washington
    Marcus whitman was an American physician and missionary in the Oregon country.Along with his wife Narcissa,he Strted a mission to the Cayuse in what is now southeastern washington state in 1836