Western Timeline

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    Daniel Boone

    led an expedition that discovered a trail that went to far west though the Cumberland Gap area he called Boonesborough in Kentucky is where he settled
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    Eli Whitney

    He invented the cotton gin for the South and turned cotton into a profitable export
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    Marcus/ narcissa Whitman

    both American physician and missionary they started a mission to the Cayuse in what is now southeastern Washington state. They led the first large party of wagon trains along the Oregon Trail to the West
    naecissa born March 14 1808
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase 1803 land deal between the United States and France
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    Lewis and Clark Expedition

    Lewis and Clark traveled through the uncharted American interior to the Pacific Northwest later served as governor of Upper Louisiana Territory.
  • Oregon trail

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    war of 1812

    Conflict fought between the U.S. and Great Britain
    over British violations of U.S. maritime rights
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    John Fremont

    American military officer, explorer, and politician who became the first candidate of the anti-slavery Republican Party.
  • Indian Removal/Trail of Tears

    This was the enforcement of the Treaty of New Echota this is an agreement signed under the provisions of the Indian Removal Act
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    Texas Revolution

    colonists in the Mexican province of Texas rebelled against the increasingly power of Mexican government
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    The Mexican war

    Texas gained its independence from Mexico but U.S. declined to be apart of the union because they did not want to part of the new slave state.
  • The Donner Party

    This was a group of American pioneers led by George Donner and James F. Reed who set out for California in a wagon train
  • The California Gold Rush

    Gold was found by James Marshall at a Mill in Coloma, California the news of gold brought some 300,000 people to California from the U.S.
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    The Battle of Little Bighorn

    U.S. army troops are defeated in battle with Native Americans
  • The Massacre at Wounded Knee

    A battle between U.S. military troops and Lakota Sioux Indians this resulted in the deaths of perhaps 300 Sioux men, women, and children.
  • manifest destiny

    an expansion that the United States was destined to do to stretch from coast to coast to helped fuel the western settlement