Western Civilization

  • 249

    Diocletian Split

    Diocletian Split
    Diocletian splits Rome because it is too big to be ruled by one person.
  • Period: 284 to 410

    Early Christian and Roman

  • 313

    Edict of Milan

    persecution of Christians is no longer tolerated
  • 325

    Nicene Creed

    Nicene Creed
    a written proclamation of Christian beliefs
  • 410

    Sacking of Rome

    Sacking of Rome
    Germanic tribes invade Rome
  • 413

    Wall of Constantinople

    Wall of Constantinople
    Theodosius II builds a great wall around the new capital to protect it
  • Period: 413 to 537


  • Period: 466 to 511

    Reign of Clovis

    a Frankish King who converted to Christianity
  • Period: 476 to Apr 26, 800


  • Period: 476 to Apr 29, 750

    Merovingian Dynasty

    a powerful Frankish Dynasty
  • 527

    Justinian becomes Emperor

    Justinian becomes Emperor
    he made many great reforms such as the Justinian Code of laws
  • 532

    Hagia Sophia

    Hagia Sophia
    was built as the religious center of Constantinople
  • Period: Apr 25, 628 to Apr 26, 762


  • Apr 28, 630

    Muhammad Conquers Mecca

    Muhammad Conquers Mecca
    Mecca was capitulated by the Muslims
  • Apr 28, 632

    Sunni and Shi'ite Split

    After Muhammad died, people could not agree if his successors should be appointed or be his family
  • Apr 28, 661

    Umayyad Empire

    one of the four major caliphates established after Muhammad's death
  • Apr 28, 732

    Battle of Tours

    Battle of Tours
    Charles Martel lead the Franks into the battle that stopped the Islamic spread into Europe.
  • Apr 28, 750

    Abbasid Empire

    Abbasid Empire
    the third caliphate after Muhammad, Baghdad was their capital. They later overthrew the Umayyads
  • Period: Apr 28, 751 to Apr 29, 987

    Carolingian Dynasty

    the noble family that ruled the empire in western and central Europe during the early middle ages
  • Apr 28, 768


    aka Charles the Great King of the Franks who united the Germanic tribes of Europe
  • Apr 28, 798

    Relations with Harun Al Rashid

    Relations with Harun Al Rashid
    Harun Al Rashid was a caliph of baghdad who made an alliance with Charlegmagne
  • Apr 28, 803

    Charlemagne accepted by Byzantines

    Charlemagne believed he was a descendant of the Byzantines so instead of fighting with them he signed a treaty with them.