Oct 9, 1000
Leif Ericson Reaches Vinland
He sailed to the land mass -
Oct 19, 1096
Sultan Kills Aslan First Crusaid
Oct 23, 1469
King Ferinand And Queen Elizabeth Marry
later they fund Cloumbus' trip to the Americas -
Oct 2, 1492
KIng Henry VII invades France
He was king of england -
Sep 30, 1526
1st book sold by Guttenburg
1st book was the bible -
Queen Mary Goes on Trial
She was thought to be a trader of Queen Elizabeth -
Marie-Antoinette Beheaded
Great Chicago Fire
Fire rummered to have started by cows -
Boer War starts in South Africa
Henry Ford invents Assbley line
Al Capone Captured
he was caught by a serious of tax ivations -
The Driver in US History
The man was given 5 tickets in the course of an hour -
Gremany IS Reunited
A vow of peace is made by east and north Gremany