Greek architecture is one of the greatest in history, it has influenced many other times and their architecture. The Greeks valued Physical strength, religion, athleticism, physical beauty, entertainment, political participation-democracy -
The Romans were very much like the Greeks. They had the same type of architecture, same mythology and same values. But different value though was that the Romans loved violence and would watch Gladiators fight each other in the Colosseum. -
Middle Ages
The middle ages were a time of chaos. The church was the main power during the time and everyone did not get edcuation. They also didnt know how to paint well. -
Nov 22, 1300
The Renaissance was a time when the study of humanism was very popular and an edcuation is important to get. For art, they took alot of what they saw from the Classical times and added some new art terms like perspective. -
Nov 22, 1492
European Exploration-Columbus
The Exploration time was when the spanish empire expanded across the Atlantic Ocean into the Americas. Christopher Colombus was the first to discover the Americas in 1492. The spanish also sent AFrican slaves to serve labor in the Americas -
Nov 22, 1521
Christianity splits into multipe types of churches. Martin Luther wrote the 95 theses, crictizing catholics for using indulgences. People could choose for themselves which type of church they wanted to be in. -
Spanish Armada
Fleet of 130 spanish warships to attack England. The English had more advanced ships and battered the Spaniosh until they retreated. -
Scientific Revolution
Copernicus proved that the planets orbited around the sun, not the earth. Galileo proved that objects with different weights fell at the same speed. Isaac Newton came up with the laws of motion, created the reflecting telescope and came up with the color and light theory. -
King Louis XIV (Absolutism)
King Louis XIV started Absolutism. Absolutism is when one ruler has complete control. King Louis XIV was the perfect ruler for this, he had the French culture, the language and the manners met expectations. -
Glorious Revolution
Monarch's power was limited by Parliament. The Bill of Rights was signed by William and Mary. The document said that Parliament could make laws and levy taxes. The Armies only with parliament constent, not just kings. Rights of citizen to keep arms and have jury. -
Philosophical movements of intellectuals. Philosophers tried to come up with new ways to have a better government for the people. The U.S used alot of the Enlightenment philiosophies to help shape their governemnt