west ward expantion time line

  • first steps in a new world

    first steps in a new world
    i was born in polin on and unknown day my age is about 16. I just arrived in America I passed all the immigration test and I was not detained because I wrote to a friend before I left and asked him to pick me up so I was allowed into the united states. I’m glade I did this because if a man is not waiting for you if you are a women they will not let you in, he said I can stay with him if I will pay have the rent.
  • sending money home

    sending money home
    I have found a job working in a chicken factory, it is hot and smelly and hard work and the owner is mean and the pay is not all that great but it’s enough that I can pay my part of the rent and still send small amounts off money to my family back home
  • the horrible letter

    the horrible letter
    I just got I letter from my mom; she sent the letter to tell me that my dad had passed away and that she was using the money to bring herself and my 3 little sisters. She also mentioned she had heard that they were giving out free land and she wanted our family to head west and get the land to start a farm but mostly start life over in a new place without my dad. I was not fond of my mom’s idea I like my life as it was I did not want things to change again.
  • continu of horrible letter

    continu of horrible letter
    i was having a hard time prossecing the fact that my dad was dead and that i would never see him agian why dident my mom sent me a letter sooner so i could come back and see him one last time i was mad at her but then thought things over and i chose to forgive her she had the best meaning she only wanted the best for me and the family and i would cost to much for me to go back.
  • a family agian

    a family agian
    Faiban and i went to go get my family from the ferry today. It was great to see my family again there was lots of hugging and laughing my siblings have changed so much it’s a wonder what a year does to someone. We did not have a big room for everybody to stay in but we had to be cramped for the night. We could not find a place for my mom and 3 siblings 2 stay until my mother first had a job.
  • a plan to get land

    a plan to get land
    today we head out west Fabian is not coming with us he said he likes it in the city I wish he was coming it would make starting a farm so much easier with a man’s help the only male on our trip is my 10 year old brother he can help with some things but not everything. Me and my mom went out and bought seeds, me and my mom found jobs working as attendants on the trains we have enough money to pay for my siblings passage. When we arrive we will by one horse I will race for land.
  • on our way

    on our way
    we are so close they say only a few more hours, my friend who works with me says she has taken this trip many time before and as we get close the rich people get really bossy I thought they were horrid before I wonder what they will be like now. Some times after a rich lady yells at me I wish I was back in the city with Fabian I wish that we had taken a wagon train even though it would have taken months and I know in my heart that this was the right desion .
  • problems on the farm

    problems on the farm
    we have started our farm we have a great piece of land right by a stream great soil we built ourselves a nice cottage, are crops grew great we decided on growing corn. The big problem was selling it all the men are saying no one is gona by food from 2 women they don’t want their food coming from women but their wives will by some from us not much and we still don’t make enough money to support our family. I wrote Fabian telling him about our troubles.
  • reunited

    one rainy night we heard a knock at our door we were scared of what might be outside when I heard a voice call out Cecilia are you in there, I ran to the door and swung it open it was Fabian he told us he had come to help with the farm he had save his money from the moment he got my letter even taking an extra job so he could hop on a train and come out to help us. Now that he is here our corn has been selling.
  • more work

    more work
    we have added a crop to our farm we are now not just growing corn but wheat as well we are hoping to be able to sell corn, wheat and bread to people so we can make a better profit so we can get some nice presents for my siblings this year, also Fabians father just passed away now we are hoping to get the money to bring his mother her in first class as soon as we can but we will also need money for him to go get her and bring her back to live with us it will be great my mother will now have a fri
  • dreams come true

    dreams come true
    Fabian and I are getting married in 1 month he proposed to me this morning it was the greatest day of my life we want to build our own house right next to my mother’s so we can still help on the farm but at the same time raise our own family. I never though this day would come I have always loved Fabian but I have always been too scared to tell anyone. My dream has become a reality.
  • my big day

    my big day
    today is my big day the day me and fabian get married, we are jsut having a small cerimonie in our feild just some local farmers and its great that his mom is here for the wedding, we are ready to start our lives together and raise a great family here on our farm.
  • a new life

    a new life
    today i had my baby fabian said i could chose the name becasue what ever i picke dout he would love, i chose brittion rose. i chose this becasue i have always wanted to go to briton and rose in the flower that fabian proposed to me with and my favorite flower.