Week 5 Timeline 2

  • Thomas Kuhn- American Philosopher

    Thomas Kuhn was born July 18th, 1922 in Cincinnati Ohio.
  • The Structure of Scientific Revolutions

    The Structure of Scientific Revolutions is a book written by Kuhn that talks about the different stages of science and challenged the views of progression in science which was viewed as development by accumulation with accepted facts and theories. He would say that the stages of science were pre science, normal science, crisis, and then a revolution.
  • Kuhns death

    Kuhn passed away on June 17th, 1996 in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
  • Contribution to Philosophy, Pre Science

    Kuhns contribution to science and philosophy was very important. The stages of science he presented where pre-science, normal science, crisis, and revolution. In pre science he explains that it is a time of disorganization, no real accepted theories, it is a time of confusion and new theories are constantly being made but aren't exactly accurate or true.
  • Normal Science

    Normal science is what follows pre-science. In the stage of normal science a foundation is set, old theories are thrown away and dismissed and scientist have a foundation to work off of. When a theory is presented and it tests what is currently believed they don't dismiss the theory in this stage they just assume that with time it can be explained in a way that will prove it right or prove it wrong.
  • Crisis

    The next stage is crisis, it is a time where discovers slow down and there is just no current way of thinking or knowledge to explain what isn't know. We know there is a unknown but we cant explain it in a scientific way. In this time there are a lot of theories going head to head seeing who is right, but the knowledge to prove or disprove just isn't there.
  • Revolution

    In a revolution a new way of thinking is born and unknowns are understood, new theories are born that explain what was unknown. Einstein is a example of someone who revolutionized science and the understanding of the universe.
  • MLA

    “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 8 June 2021, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Structure_of_Scientific_Revolutions.
    Mcleod, Saul. “Thomas Kuhn - Science as a Paradigm.” Thomas Kuhn Paradigm Shift | Simply Psychology, 1 May 2020, www.simplypsychology.org/Kuhn-Paradigm.html.