Week 3 Timeline

  • Mein Kampf

    Hitler wrote his ideology of his extreme right views in which would promote antisemitism, racism, and overall unfair foreign policies. Also, racial superiority was emphasized in his writings as well as the dangers of communism. This piece of writing is Hitler’s ideology that would justify people’s beliefs in Germany, Italy, and other nations involved with support of Hitler.
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    First Five-Year Plan

    Stalin wanted to use the first five year plan to rapidly increase Industrialization across the USSR. This would span over the years brining food shortages, rapid inflation, and plenty of refugees
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    Global Depression

    The stock market crash was a massive contributor to the Great Depression which would also account for bank failures and collapsing, as well as lack of money supply. Globally, economies were failing and poverty was everywhere.
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    Stock Market Crash

    The stock market crash was able to speed up the process of economic collapse later in time. The US would lose a great deal of economic wealth as individuals and as a nation overall, only incoming for the Great Depression.
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    Second Five-Year Plan

    The USSR was planning on working on their mass industry for heavy industrial goods such as steel production. Additionally, Stalin would prioritize transportation for road, railways, and waterways. This plan would focus on the nation itself in expanding and industrializing.
  • Nuremburg Laws

    The Nuremberg Laws were written to be racist and antisemitic towards individuals living in Nazi Germany. These laws would restrict “Jews and Citizens of Germany hindered blood” from marriage or relationships. These were the first laws to legally discriminate against Jews from their human rights and relationships.
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    The Great Purge

    Stalin would become paranoid of the growing communist party that would eventually kill numerous amounts of people he thought were conspiring against him. Between these years Moscow Trials would occur for the communist party because they were accused of conspiring against the Soviet Union and fighting for capitalism or fascism. The Great Purge would execute a large number of political opponents and other minorities in the USSR.
  • Pact of Steel

    The Pact of Steel is the confirmed alliance between Germany and Italy, in the event of war. Specifically, this alliance would make each individual leader look good for their own nations themselves, but as these leaders are known to discriminate minorities, these populations are faced with fear. Eventually, Japan would join this alliance creating the Axis.