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U.S. History Timeline

  • Push AND Pull factors (Descriptions)

    *This is a description for both push and pull factor.
    Push factors are problems that influence people to move, whereas pull factors are attractions that draw the people to another place. These factors played a huge role in the minds of European immigrants. Europe was experience massive population growth during the 1800s, causing cities to be crowded, a lack of jobs, and food shortages. Famen also struck the continent. The promise of wealth, jobs, land, and freedom pulled people to the U.S.
  • Bessemer Process (Description)

    The Bessemer process is a method of steelmaking, named after Henry Bessemer, that enabled steel to be made more cheaply and quickly. Steel was stronger, harder, and lighter than iron, previously used in construction. It allowed for longer bridges and larger buildings to be built.
  • Nativism

  • Strike

  • Theory of Evolution

  • Capitalism

  • Tenements

  • Factors of Production

    Factors of Production
  • Corporation

  • Entrepreneurs

  • Social Darwinism

    Social Darwinism
  • Mass Media (Description)

    Mass media includes newspapers, magazines, and other ways of communicating with mass audiences. It was a way for Americans to learn what was going on in their world, as well as consider how to get involved.
  • Labor Unions (Description)

    Mass media includes newspapers, magazines, and other ways of communicating with mass audiences. It was a way for Americans to learn what was going on in their world, as well as consider how to get involved.
  • Child Labor (Description)

    Child Labor (Description)
  • Monopoly

  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Chinese Exclusion Act
  • Contract Laborers

    Contract Laborers
  • Patronage

  • National Interest

  • Trusts

  • Anarchists

  • Sherman Anitrust Act

    Sherman Anitrust Act
  • Laissez-Faire (Description)

    The Laissez-Faire was an idea that the free market, through supply and demand, could regulate itself without government interference. The government allowed businesses to operate how they wanted to.
  • Political Bosses

    Political Bosses
  • Americanization

  • Social Gospel

  • Ellis Island

    Ellis Island
  • Deportation

  • Settlement House

    Settlement House
  • Temperance Movement

    Temperance Movement
  • Rough Riders

    Rough Riders
  • USS Maine

    USS Maine
  • Preservation

  • Vertical Integration

    Vertical Integration
  • Urbanization

  • Recall

  • Socialism

  • Collective Bargaining

    Collective Bargaining
  • Panama Canal

    Panama Canal
  • Big Stick Policy

  • Muckrakers (Description)

    Muckrakers were journalists who wrote about social, environmental, and political problems in the United States during the early 1900s. Through mass media, they showed the upperclassmen the problems.
  • Initiative

  • Progressives

  • Pure Food and Drug Act


  • Dollar Diplomacy

  • Angel Island

    Angel Island
  • Referendum

  • Conservation

  • 17th Amendment

    17th Amendment
  • Federal Reserve

    Federal Reserve
  • Moral Diplomacy

    Moral Diplomacy
  • 16th Amendment

    16th Amendment
  • Self-determination

  • Allies

  • Conscientious Objectors

    Conscientious Objectors
  • Central Powers

  • Nationalism

  • Chemical Weapons

    Chemical Weapons
  • Luusitinia

  • Liberty Bonds

  • Great Migration

  • Zimmerman Note

    Zimmerman Note
  • Speakies, Prohibition, AND 18th Amendment (Description)

    *This is a description for all three.
    Prohibition was a ban on the production and sale of alcoholic beverages, enforced by the 18th amendment. The government was attempting to enforce a more morally correct society. The people, however, did not support this. Because of their desire to party, speakeasies began to pop up all over the country. Speakeasies are establishments that illegally sell alcoholic beverages. This shows that the people have a lot of power in the government.
  • League of Nations

  • War-guilt CLause

  • Treat of Versailles AND Reparations

    The Treaty of Versailles was a peace treaty signed by the Allied Powers and Germany on June 18th, 1919. It assigned responsibility of WWI to Germany, requiring Germany to paw reparations to the Allied countries. A reparation is money paid to those who have been wronged.
  • Communism

  • Jazz (Description)

    Jazz is a style of music made popular in the 1920’s. Jass was common among African Americans, and it was a way for them to become a part of the community.
  • Suffrage AND 19th Amendment

    Suffrage is the right to vote. In 1920, the 19th Amendment was passed, granting the right to vote to women. For the first time, women were equal to men.
  • Florida Land Boom

  • Harlem Renaissance

    Harlem Renaissance
  • Bootlegging

  • Intelligent Design

  • Totalitarianism

  • Dawes Plan

  • Spectator Sports AND NFL (Description)

    *This is a description for both.
    The NFL, or National Football League, was started in the 1920’s. It was one of America’s first spectator sports. A spectator sport was a sport that attracted a large number of fans. Spectator sports became a big business, and athletes became national celebrities.
  • Flapper (Description)

    During the Roaring Twenties, a young women who broke the traditional expectations for how a women should dress and behave was called a flapper. These women wore short dresses, long beads, cut their hair, and partied as much as the men.
  • Bull Market

  • Traditionalist

  • Modernist

  • Consumer Culture

  • Popular Culture

  • Interest

  • Overproduction

  • Bear Market

  • Speculators

  • Bank Run AND Black Tuesday (Description)

    *This is a description for both.
    A bank run is a financial crisis in which a large number of customers attempt to withdraw their money from a bank at the same time. Because the bank does not actually hold all of the money, the bank run of 1929 resulted in many people losing they had. This day, October 29th, 1929, became knows as Black Tuesday. The stock market crashed, initiating the Great Depression.
  • Discount Rate

    Discount Rate
  • Hawley-Smoot Tarrif Act

    Hawley-Smoot Tarrif Act
  • Public Works

  • Propaganda

    Propaganda is information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. Hitler used propaganda before WWII to advertize a better Germany, gaining support.
  • Militarism

  • Black Blizzard AND Okies

    A black blizzard is a slang term for a severe dust storm. The Great Plains fell victim to several dust storms in 1931. A journalist once referred to the storms as a Dust Bowl. People living on the Great Plains were forced to migrate, many heading to California during the Great Depression. These people were called Okies.
  • Bonus Army

    Bonus Army
  • Trickle-down Theory

  • Desertification

  • REA

  • New Deal

    The New Deal was President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s program from 1933 to 1939, aimed to bring immediate economic relief from the Great Depression. The New Deal provided hope to many suffering Americans.
  • Public Assistance

    Public Assistance
  • CCC

  • Hoovervilles (Description)

    During the Great Depression, a shanty town was referred to as “Hooverville.” These towns were home to the poorest citizens, named after President Herbert Hoover. It demonstrated how the people felt about their President and his lack of involvement.
  • WPA

  • Social Security (Description)

    Social Security is a federal insurance program that provides benefits to retired the disabled citizens. FDR passed the Social Security Act in 1935, hoping to help the United Stated out of the Great Depression.
  • Isolationism

  • Alphabet Soup

  • Huey Long

  • Radical

  • Spanish Civil War

    Spanish Civil War
  • Social Welfare

  • Appeasement

  • Allied Powers, Axis Powers, and Eugenics (Description)

    *This is a description for all three.
    During World War II, the world was divided. The Allied Powers were mostly France, Great Britain, and the United States. Against them, the Axis Powers were Germany, Italy, and Japan. The Axis Powers shared common goals of communism and eugenics. Eugenics, mostly popular in Germany, was the idea that the human species should be improved by only allowing people with desirable characteristics to reproduce.
  • Deficit Spending

  • Lend-Lease Act

  • Precision Bombing

    Precision Bombing
  • Saturation Bombing

  • Battle of Midway

  • Rationing

  • GIs

  • Internment Camps

  • Tuskegee Airmen

  • Genocide (Description)

    Genocide is the systematic killing of a radical, political, or cultural group. During WWII, Nazis lead one of the worst genocides in history- the Holocaust. Hitler forced anyone he thought unfit, mostly Jews, into death camps. Approximately six million Jews were murdered before the end of the war.
  • Kamikaze

  • Okinawa

  • Atomic Bomb

    In July of 1945, the United States dropped an atomic bomb on two Japanese cities- Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The damage was uncomparable. Nearly 250,000 Japanese citizens may have been killed. The U.S. forced Japan’s surrender, bringing an end to WWII.