Day 1
Start of Morning Procedure:
•Meet /welcome the students in the hallway.
•Students will find their name tags on their desks (seating plan)
•Start working (quietly)on the morning activity
•Brainstorm some of the classroom rules:
Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
Be respectful of classmates, teachers, and property.
Listen to the teacher and classmates, and follow directions.
Raise hands to share ideas.
Use indoor voices.
Recess time rules.
Keep classroom clean. -
Day 2
Continue to discuss further about morning and late arrival procedures:
• Review from yesterday: Meet teacher at the door, hang back
pack, take out agenda, quietly complete morning message
• Discuss Washroom / body break rules.
• Introduce moving to carpet, line-up/ clean -up song/signal.
• Talk about dismissal procedure. -
Day 3
Discuss on being responsible & introduce classroom duties:
•Assign duties: Line leader, paper/supply distributors, Clean-up crew, attendance helper, etc.
•Review classroom rules: students take turns to recall rules.
•Explain and show how to keep notebooks, duo-tangs organised in the classroom.
•Introduce ‘Early Finisher’ rules.
•Review dismissal procedures.
Send home Welcome Letter that includes teacher introduction, and student expectations highlighting classroom rules and routines. -
Day 4
Start monitoring students for classroom rules.
• Review rules and discuss consequences.
• Briefly discuss emergency drills and procedures (keep an eye
on student anxiety for this topic).
• Exit Card: Student writes his/her behaviour goals. -
Day 5
Day 5
•Continue to monitor and encourage students to follow classroom rules and procedures.
•Discuss homework policies and make-up work.
•Explain about ‘While you were away’ folder.
•Teach about ‘Whole Body Listening’: Looks like, Sounds Like, Feels Like.
•Introduce ‘End of the Week’ routines like: clean-up desks/ lockers, take home belonging as water bottles, Homework folders, etc. -
Hcssx. (2020). Timeline: First Week of School Rules and Procedures. Retrieved from https://www.timetoast.com/timelines/first-week-of-school-rules-and-procedures