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We Say #NeverAgain Timeline

  • School shooting occurs

    School shooting occurs
    The deadly school shooting at Stoneman Douglas High School takes place, killing 17 people.
  • Extraordinary Acts

    Extraordinary Acts
    This book often highlights multiple different heroic acts that were performed on that day. From teachers shielding students, to students providing medical aid to shooting victims.
  • Tributes created for students

    Tributes created for students
    Parklands school journalists created moving tributes for the students killed in the shooting for their school newspaper and website.
  • Student leaders arise

    Student leaders arise
    Students like David Hogg and Emma Gonzalez arose as student leaders after the shooting, pushing for gun control
  • March for our Lives

    March for our Lives
    A national March occurs to promote gun control. Multiple Parklnd students gave speeches at the major event.
  • Students talk to politicians

    Students talk to politicians
    Multpile students got the chances to talk to different politicians about the shooting and their view on guns.
  • Students continue to move forward

    Students continue to move forward
    In 2019, many of these students continue to be activists for change and try to move forward from the horrific tragedy on February 14th.