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Surely, but slowly we will get there! But how much more can we take?
The Saint Louis Plan
William Torrey Harris begins to implement efforts to educate gifted children in the St. Louis Public School system. The somber looking Clinton school is built in 1868. -
"The Father" Lewis Terman changes intelligence testing
Lewis Terman publishes the Stanford Binet, Intelligence Test. American education routinely used this test to indicate that intelligence was derived through heredity. -
"The Father" does it again with Army Alpha Beta
As the US enters into WWI, Terman helps create and test Army recruits for job selections with Army Alpha Beta. He gains credit for intelligence testing with the government and the citizens. -
Lewis Terman"The Father" publishes Genetic Studies of Genius
In volume one conclusions of Termans 40 year study already showed that gifted children grow up to become gifted adults, and that they tend to be successful, well-adjusted, and long-lived.... healthier, wealthier, and wiser. -
"The Mother" Leta Hollingworth
Gifted Children: Their Nature and Nurture. "The Mother" of profoundly gifted education publishes the first textbook on gifted education. Profoundly gifted meaning an 179+ on the Stanford-Binet. -
Speyer School founded by "The Mother"
P.S.500 , the Speyer School experiment is established in New York City for gifted children by Leta Hollingworth. The school is open for five years, primarily working with profoundly gifted children in a progressive setting. -
The Race to Space- Sputnik
Sputnik is launched by The Soviet Union and the American Government realizes they have shortcomings in the education system. It is then large amounts of money are delegated to identify gifted and talented students to increase STEM and get back in the race. -
The Marland Report- to Congress Defines giftedness
Sydney Marland, Assistant Secretary of Education in the Departement of Health, Education, and Welfare, defines giftedness in a wide way to include leadership, the arts, creativity,productivity and psychomotor ability, along with intelloigence in the first formal definiition. -
NCLB- Includes Jacob Javitz Gifted and Talented students Act of 1988
President George W. Bush signs into law the No Child Left Behind Act to include Gifted and Talented Students from legistation passed in 1988. The definition of gifted is again modified to include high achieving ability such as intellect, creativity, artistic ability, leadership, specific academic fields and those who need services not ordinarily provided in the classroom to FULLY develop those capabilities. -
NAGC- Standards are finally published for teacher preparation programs and standards for gifted education