Period: to
The Agricultural Age
People are tied to the land as their multigenerational family was dependant on the land because that is where the income came from. Limited mobility. Children schooled at home in one room school house. -
The Agricultural Age
People are tied to the land as their multigenerational family was dependant on the land because that is where the income came from. Limited mobility. Children schooled at home in one room school house. -
The Industrial Age
Families separated to work in factories in town and factories, Nuclear families now is in existence. Information and knowledge is important. Telephones, airplanes , trains, automobiles, trucks, railroads, highway networks change the lives of people. Schools cared for kids while parents worked. Children are grouped by age, and grades. Visual resources ,books, television, videos, etc. are used in schools. -
Period: to
The Industrial Age
Families separated to work in factories in town and factories, Nuclear families now is in existence. Information and knowledge is important. Telephones, airplanes , trains, automobiles, trucks, railroads, highway networks change the lives of people. Schools cared for kids while parents worked. Children are grouped by age, and grades. Visual resources ,books, television, videos, etc. are used in schools. -
Period: to
The Information Age
Single parent families , childless families, two paycheck families became the norm. Different levels of skills in the workplace. Everyone works together since people are skilled in different areas. Flexible work hours. Along came aditional technology, cell phone, computer to computer communication, email. Education changed to children to digital kids. Computer introduced to schools and children. -
First Movie
First Movie The first projection film with a plot is played when the 10 minute movie "The Great Train Robbery" is released. -
Progressive Education
Progressive Education John Dewey's Democracy and Education. An Introduction to the Philosophy of Education is published. -
IQ Testing
IQ Testing Louis M. Terman and his team of Stanford University graduate students complete an American version of the Binet-Simon Scale. The Stanford Revision of the Binet-Simon Scale becomes a widely-used individual intelligence test, and along with it, the concept of the intelligence quotient (or IQ) is born. -
IBM The Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company enters the Canadian market under the name of International Business Machines Co., Limited. -
Radio Circuit
Radio Circuit Edwin Armstrong invented the superheterodyne radio circuit that is inside of every TV and radio currently used. -
Council for Exceptional Children
Council for Exceptional Children The International Council for Exceptional Children is founded at Columbia University Teachers College. -
Scanner Robert S. Ledley invented the first scanner. It was used to create x-ray scans for medical research. -
Lung Machine
Lung Machine Dr. John H. Gibbon, Jr., used first successful application of the heart-lung machine for extracorporeal circulation in an animal (cat). -
Blood Bank
[Blood Bank](Bank http://perfline.com/textbook/local/mvinas_chronol.htm ) Bernard Fantus starts the first blood bank at Cook County Hospital in Chicago using a 2% solution of sodium citrate. Refrigerated blood lasted ten days. -
School Transportation
Transportation Frank W. Cyr, a professor at Columbia University's Teachers College, organizes a national conference on student transportation. It results in the adoption of standards for the nation's school buses, including the shade of yellow. -
Emergency Radios
[Emergency Radio](The first mobile phone technology becomes available with police and emergency radios.) The first mobile phone technology becomes available with police and emergency radios. -
Harvard Mark I
Harvard mark I The first electrical computer is introduced. Howard Aiken and IBM developed the first fully automatic 'electro-mechanical' machine capable of not only addition, but other functions such as multiplication, and trig functions as well. The machine was known as the "Harvard Mark I". -
Kidney Dialysis Machine
Kidney Dialysis Machine The kidney dialysis machine invented by Willem Kolff. -
Educating Mexican Descendants
Segregation In the landmark court case of Mendez vs. Westminster and the California Board of Education, the U. S. District Court in Los Angeles rules that educating children of Mexican desendants in separate facilities is unconstitutional, thus prohibiting segregation in California schools. -
Dale's Cone Method
Dale's Cone Methods Edgar Dale explaines his Cone of Experience that visually shows teaching methods and materials -
Cable TV
cable TV Cable TV is invented. CATV (Community Antenna Television) is developed in the mountains of Pennsylvania. -
3rd Wave Information Age
Single parent families , childless families, two paycheck families became the norm. Different levels of skills in the workplace. Everyone works together since people are skilled in different areas. Flexible work hours. Along came aditional technology, cell phone, computer to computer communication, email. Education changed to children to digital kids. Computer introduced to schools and children. -
Bar Codes
Bar Codes The first patent for bar code issued to inventors Joseph Woodland and Bernard Silver. -
Skinner B.R. Skinner's Science and Human Behavior is published. His form of behaviorism (operant conditioning), that emphasizes changes in behavior due to reinforcement, becomes widely accepted and influences many aspects of American education. -
Rosa Parks
Rosa Parks Rosa Parks, a Montgomery, Alabama seamstress, refuses to give up her seat on the bus a Caucasian passenger and is arrested and fined. The Montgomery bus boycott follows, giving impetus to the Civil Rights Movement. A year later, in the case of Browder v. Gale, the U.S. Supreme Court rules that segregated seating on buses is unconstitutional. -
Integrated Circuit
Integrated Circuit Jack St. Clair Kilby of Texas Instruments invented the first integrated circuit or chip. -
Color TV
Color TV Color Television is available. In the fall of 1964, NBC was broadcasting the majority of its programs in color. -
Learning Disabilities
Learning Disabilities Samuel A. Kirk uses the term "learning disability" at a Chicago conference on children with perceptual disorders. The term sticks, and in 1964, the Association for Children with Learning Disabilities, now the Learning Disabilities Association of America, is formed. Today, nearly one-half of all students in the U.S. who receive special education have been identified as having learning disabilitie -
Lung Raskkind developed a low volume disposable pumpless bubble oxygenator for use as a substitute lung on children with cystic fibrosis, RDS, and CHD. -
Open Classroom
Open Classroom Herbert R. Kohl's book, The Open Classroom, helps to promote open education, an approach emphasizing student-centered classrooms and active, holistic learning. The conservative back-to-the-basics movement of the 1970s begins at least partially as a backlash against open education. -
Internet The DoD (Department of Defense) developed ARPANET. They used this technology to allow some computers in different sections of the military and government that work on different systems to share information with one another. This is the first network. By the end of 1969, four host computers were connected together into the initial ARPANET. These computers were at UCLA, Stanford, U of California, U of Utah. -
Piaget Publishes Science of Technology
Piaget Jean Piaget's book, The Science of Education, is published. His Learning Cycle model helps to popularize discovery-based teaching approaches, especially in the sciences. -
504 Plans
504 Plans The Rehabilitation Act becomes law. Section 504 of this act guarantees civil rights for people with disabilities in the context of federally funded institutions and requires accommodations in schools including participation in programs and activities as well as access to buildings. Today, "504 Plans" are used to provide accommodations for students with disabilities who do not qualify for special education. -
Floppy Discs and Hard Discs
Floppy and Hard Discs IBM created the 8" floppy drive, and the first permanent storage with its first "Hard Drive." -
Microsoft The tradename "Microsoft" is registered, and in December Bill Gates drops out of Harvard. -
Star Wars Movie
Star Wars Movie The movie "Star Wars" is released with special effects, and film technology never before seen by the general public. -
Nation at risk
Nation at risk The report of the National Commission on Excellence in Education, A Nation at Risk, calls for sweeping reforms in public education and teacher training. -
Personal Computer
Personal Computer IBM releases the IBM XT which contains a new 8086 16-bit processor and the ability to add the 8087 math co-processor. -
Apple Advertising
Apple Advertising During the Superbowl, Apple displayed an ad that changed the world of the "computer wars". The ad, promoting the new "Macintosh" computer displayed many black and gray clone like people, dressed like IBM employees, going through life in a bored mindless way, and finishing up the commercial in vivid color of their new "Mac", and saying it was for "The rest of us." -
World Wide Web (WWW)
World Wide Web The World-Wide Web (WWW) released by CERN; Tim Berners-Lee developer is seen as the father of the "WWW." -
Constructivitist Classroom
Constructivist Classroom Jacqueline and Martin Brooks' In Search of Understanding: The Case for Constructivist Classrooms is published. It is one of many books and articles describing constructivism, a view that learning best occurs through active construction of knowledge rather than its passive reception. Constructivist learning theory, with roots such as the work of Dewey, Bruner, Piaget, and Vygotsky. -
Whiteboards Whiteboards find their way into U.S. classrooms in increasing numbers and begin to replace the blackboard. -
Apple and Microsoft
Apple and Microsoft With Apple in deep financial trouble, and Microsoft in court litigation with Apple over copyright laws, Microsoft agrees to purchase 100,000 'non-voting' shares of Apple stock for approximately $150 Million. This keeps Apple out of bankruptcy, and gets Microsoft out of a monopoly lawsuit. -
WiFiWiFi, short for Wireless Fidelity was invented. WiFi is a wireless networking technology that allows computers, some mobile phones, ipads, game consoles, and other devices to communicate over a wireless signal. -
The Technic Age
This is a time of lots of progress and change. The values have changed between life values and peculiarly values. The social aspect stayed the same but just with the use of higher technology. There are more choices in education of the children such as virtual, charter, and STEM schools that prepare children for the work force. -
Xbox A new generation of video games are released when Microsoft enters the market with X-Box, Sony releases a long awaited Playstation II, and Nintendo releases the Game Cube. -
Artificial Liver
Artificial Liver Artificial liver invented by Dr. Kenneth Matsumura and Alin Foundation. -
NCLB The controversial No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) is approved by Congress and signed into law by President George W. Bush. The law, which reauthorizes the ESEA of 1965, holds schools accountable for student achievement levels and provides penalties for schools that do not make adequate yearly progress toward meeting the goals of NCLB. -
[911](www.whitehouse.gov/the-press.../remarks-president-osama-bin-laden) Terrorists from Al Queda, 9/11, nearly 3,000 persons die. The US attacks the Taliban and the Al Qaeda network in Afghanistan, and a war on terrorism is declared. -
SARS SARS-The first case of an atypical pneumonia is reported in the Guangdong province in southern China. -
You Tube
You Tube YouTube - the online video sharing and viewing community - was invented in 2005 by Steve Chen, Chad Hurley and Jawed Karim. -
Period: to
The Technic Age
This is a time of lots of progress and change. The values have changed between life values and peculiarly values. The social aspect stayed the same but just with the use of higher technology. There are more choices in education of the children such as virtual, charter, and STEM schools that prepare children for the work force. -
Flexability on No Child Left Behind Act
Flexibility on no child Left Behind Act President Barack Obama calls for requiring students to stay in school until they graduate from high school or reach age 18 -
Stay in school until age 18
Stay in school until age 18President Barack Obama calls for requiring students to stay in school until they graduate from high school or reach age 18