
  • The revolutionary war

  • The civil war

    The war was fought in USA between the states in America, because of slavery. The war was won by the Northern states.
  • WW1

    Between Germany, Austria, France, Rusia, Great Brittain. Canada, Italy and the US was also involved. The Central Powers lost the war.
  • WW2

    War between Germany and Poland, Great Brittain. The war was fought all over the world. Countries as France, Great Brittain, USA and Denmark helped each other to make Germany lose.
  • the vietnam war

    The war was fought between USA and China, Northern Vietnam, Soviet Unionen. USA lost.
  • The war in Afghanistan

    Isn't ended yet
  • The war in Iraq

    The war is between Iraq and USA, United Kingdom, Australia and Poland. America won with help from troups from other countries.