
War Timeline

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    Peloponnesian War

    Peloponnesian War
    The Peloponesian War started in 431 B.C. to 404 B.C.
    This war was three decades long.This war was between Athens and Sparta. The Sparta were very successful in beating the Athens many tme. This war was believed to be started becuase the Sparta wer afraid for the Athens power to rise, URL Citation
  • Oct 25, 1415

    Battle Of Agincourt

    Battle Of Agincourt
    This war was between England and France.6,000 Frenchmen lost their lives during the Battle of Agincourt and English deaths amounted to just over 400. The English did in fact win this battle.This was one of the great victories in the united states military history, URL Citation
  • Unification Of Italy

    Unification Of Italy
    Camillo di Cavour amd Giuseppe Mazzini wanted to unite Italy. Camillo di Cavour actually succeed in this. Cavour knew the difference between national and international events, and Giuseppe was good to conflicting with the monarchies of Europe. This War was to basically unit Italy but it was a fact if the matter of who was good enough to be in charge of all of this. URL Citation.
  • Crimean War

    Crimean War
    The Crimean War happend because they were originally fighting over two main things. One was the difference of religion and importance of an region. 900 000 soliders died in this war. Russia and Britain were competing for influence in the Middle East so this was another issue they had with each other, URL Citation
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    The United States and Confederate State soldiers were involved in this war. 620,000 soldiers died in the Civil War.The Northern armies won and the states returned to the Union.They fought because of differences between free slaves and slave states of the national government to prevent slavery in the territories that had not yet become states. URL citation.
  • Spanish-American War

    Spanish-American War
    The United States and Spain had a conflict over independence in Spain.The Americans and the Cubans won. The Cubans won the right to be an independent country away from Spain. URL Citation
  • World War ||

    World War ||
    They just lost the World War | and It was around the time of Hitler rising to power.They wanted to fix the political and economic instability in Germany. URL Citation
  • Afghanistan

    The Afghanistan war all started because they decided to attack the US and the United States werent going down with out a fight.The United states wants to get rid of Terriosim. In Afghanistan they have a group called the Talban and they are terroist and they try and take over Afghanistan. URL Citation