
War Time after Time, by Yaiza González

  • Birth of Mussolini. Interesting facts about him.

    Birth of Mussolini. Interesting facts about him.
    Benito Mussolini was an Italian military, politician and dictatorship.
    He was president of the Board of real ministers in Italy and later on, president of the Italian Republic.
    He established a fascist totalitarian regime while king Victor Manuel III of Italy was on the throne.
    Hitler was his friend.
    He participated in WW2 and died executed the 28th of April of 1945.
  • Birth of Hitler. Some information about Hitler's figure.

    Birth of Hitler. Some information about Hitler's figure.
    Adolf Hitler was a German politician and leader of the Nazi Party. He established a fascist dictatorship between the years 1933 to 1945.
    In 1923, he attempted to seize power in a failed coup in Munich and was imprisoned.
    After being in jail he gained support by attacking the Treaty of Versailles. He promised the Germans that he would improve the country, and started instilling nationalism.
    He helped Franco during the Spanish Civil War.
    He commited suicide on the 30th of April 1945.
  • The beginning of the Spanish Civil War.

    The beginning of the Spanish Civil War.
    It was an armed conflict between:
    Republicans who were loyal to the left-leaning Second Spanish Republic, in alliance with anarchists, of the communist and syndicalist variety; and the Nationalists, an alliance of Falangists, monarchists, conservatives and Catholics, led by a military group among whom General Francisco Franco soon achieved a preponderant role.
    It started after the failed coup d'etat lead by the army against the republic. https://www.britannica.com/event/Spanish-Civil-War
  • End of the Spanish Civil War.

    End of the Spanish Civil War.
    The Spanish Civil War ended with the victory of the bando sublevado and the Dictatorship of Francisco Franco was established.
    Due to the war, Spain experienced an economic crisis, and quite a lot of casualties, between 500.000 and 1 million deaths.
  • Beginning of Franquismo.

    Beginning of Franquismo.
    After the victory of the ones who formed the bando sublevado, the franquism era was established.
    This was a totalitarian regime lead by Franco, which wanted to be similar as the Italian and German fascist era.
    This dictatorship imposed many laws that were collected in the "Leyes Fundamentales del Reino".
    It was divided into the first and second franquismo.
  • The beginning of World War II.

    The beginning of World War II.
    The second World War started officially with the German invasion of Poland. Immediately after this invasion, Britain and France declared war on Germany. Some causes of WW2 were: unresolved tensions of world war one, ideologies (fascism in Italy and Germany against communism in USSR), aggressive expansion of some countries, racism (ex. Germany), dictatorships, Germany ignored the Treaty of Versailles...
  • Countries involved in World War II.

    Countries involved in World War II.
    There were two sides in WW2:
    -The Axis, formed by: Italy, Germany and Japan. All three had the same enemies and Italian and German leaders (Hitler and Mussolini) were both fascist dictators. -The Allies, mainly formed by: USSR, USA, Britain, France and China. The were all against the Axis, especially against Germany, for ignoring the Treaty of Versailles.
  • Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    The USA detonated two nuclear weapons over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, 1945, respectively, with the consent of Britain, as required by the Quebec Agreement. The two bombings killed between 129,000 and 226,000 people, most of whom were civilians, and remain the first and only uses of nuclear weapons in armed conflict. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wxWNAM8Cso
  • End of World War II.

    End of World War II.
    First, Italy was defeated, then Hitler in Germany, and after the Japanese bombings, Japan was finally defeated.
    The Allies won World War II.
    The impact of this global war was: the collapse of Nazi Germany, fall of the Japanese and Italian Empires, Beginning of the Nuclear Age and the dissolution of the League of Nations among others.
  • End of franquismo.

    End of franquismo.
    Franquismo ends with the death of Francisco Franco.
    He died due to a heart failure, in the hospital of Madrid called La Paz.
    This was such great news for the Spanish citizens that had suffered many restrictions in regard to their rights, including censorship.
  • Iraq conflict

    Iraq conflict
    -Iraq War
    -Iraqi insurgency (2011–2013)
    -Iraqi Civil War (2014–2017)
    -Iraqi insurgency (2017–present)
  • Mexican Drug War

    Mexican Drug War
    Its main goal is to stop drug-related violence in the country.
  • Yemeni Crisis

    Yemeni Crisis
    -Yemeni Civil War (2015–present)
    -Al-Qaeda insurgency in Yemen
    -South Yemen insurgency
    -Saudi–Yemeni border conflict (2015–present)
    -Saudi Arabian-led intervention in Yemen
  • Syrian Civil War spillover in Lebanon

    Syrian Civil War spillover in Lebanon
    Between 2011 and 2017, fighting from the Syrian Civil War spilled over into Lebanon as opponents and supporters of the Syrian Arab Republic traveled to Lebanon to fight and attack each other on Lebanese soil.
  • Syrian civil war

    Syrian civil war
    The Syrian civil war is an ongoing multi-sided civil war in Syria fought between the Ba'athist Syrian Arab Republic led by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, along with domestic and foreign allies, and various domestic and foreign forces opposing both the Syrian government and each other in varying combinations.
  • Libyan Crisis

    Libyan Crisis
    Libyan Civil War (2014–present)