War time

By maksr
  • Period: to

    from WW1 to vietnam War

  • WW1 poetics

    Rupert Brooke (3 August 1887 – 23 April 1915) was an English poet known for his idealistic war sonnets written during the First World War,
    Wilfred Owen (18. marts 1893 - 4. november 1918) he was a English poet whos erly lyriks was sensuel and almost fairy tale like poets, but after meeting a officer colleague Siegfried Sassoon, his writing style was very infuenced to a more realistic war poetry with the horrors of trenches and gas warfare.
  • Period: to

    Times of war.

  • break out of WW1

    the war first really began when the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria was assassinated in Sarajevo, Bosnia. which made the year long tension there had been in europe explode.
  • Ruth Comfort

    Ruth Comfort Mitchell Young (1882–1954) was an American author and playwright. she got married to Sanborn Young in October 1914 in the Grand Canyon and moved to New York City, where Ruth continued her literary pursuits, and he studied photography.
    Ruth Comfort Mitchell Young wrote novels, poems, short stories, and plays.
  • Life in the trenches.

    Life in the trenches.
    the life in the trenches was vary different depending on where you were stationed. overall it was terrible, never to know if your trench would get bombed, dead people lying everywere and smelling. And they were also troubled by infected rats.
  • WW1 warfare technology

    In time, technology began to produce new offensive weapons, such as the tanks, and aerocraft warfare wich Britain and France primarily used; the Germans employed captured Allied tanks and small numbers of their own design.
  • Naval warfare.

    the german general staff declared unrestricted submarine warfare, with the goal of starving Britain out of the war. The germans estimated that it would cost the britains aprox. 600.000 tons of shipping.
  • End of the war.

    The final Allied push towards the German border began on October 17. Wich got Turkey to signe an armistice, and Austria-Hungary followed their leed.
    soon after Germany began to crumble from within, and finally
    at 5 AM on the morning of November 11 an armistice was signed in a railroad car parked in a French forest near the front lines. and that mend the Germanforces was required to evacuate their positions.
    armistice= cease fire.
  • Facts

    scroll down a bit.Eight million soldiers, including more than 50,000 Americans died. An estimated 12 million civilians died. German's losses 1,700,000 killed and over 4,200,000 wounded. France had 1,300,000 deaths and over 4,200,000 wounded.
    The total number of people killed during WW1 (including civilians) was 16.5 million.
  • World War 2

    the world war is generally said to have begun on 1 September 1939, with the invasion of Poland by Germany, and subsequent declarations of war on Germany by France and great Britain
  • German invasion of Europe.

    From late 1939 to early 1941, germany invaded most of europe.
  • WW2

    In June 1941, the European Allies launched an invasion of the Soviet Union, giving a start to the largest land-war in history.
    it was stopped in 1942 after defeat in north africa and at Stalingrad.
    the attack on pearl habor (Hawaii, 7 dec. 1941) was a surprise military strike, and it opened the eyes to the Americans and from there on, they joined the war.
  • The ending.

    On 16 December 1944, Germany attempted its last desperate measure for success on the Western Front by marshalling German reserves to launch a massive counter-offensive in the Ardennes to attempt to split the Western Allies, encircle large portions of Western Allied troops and capture their primary supply port at Antwerp (Belgium). The war ended in Europe when the Soviet (red army) captured Berlin in a battle from 20 April 1945 – 2 May 1945. And ended in Asia 15 August 1945 when Japan surrenderd
  • The battle of Iwo Jima.

    The battle of Iwo Jima.
    The battle of Iwo Jima, was a huge battle bothe for the japaneese. The original plan for the US. was to capture the three airfields on Iwo Jima, but it evolved to the bloodyist battle in world war 2.
    Iwo Jima had a huge sentimental value for the japeneese, and The battle was the first American attack on the Japanese Home Islands, so for the American moral it was very important that they won the war.
  • Facts

    Scroll down a bit.Estimates range from about 50-70 million killed in World War 2. The Wikipedia article "World War II Casualties" favours the relatively high figure of 72 million. Of these, 61 million were on the Allied side and 11 million were on the Axis side. The article gives a figure of 23 million dead for the Soviet Union and 20 million for China. These figures of course include civilian dead. (Note that the figure for China was recently revised sharply upwards from earlier estimates of about 11 million).
  • Vietnam war

    The war started November 1. 1955 to the fall of Saigon on 30 April 1975.
    was fought between North Vietnam, who were supported by the communist allies, and the government of South Vietnam, supported by the United States. In the beginning American troops were just send in to defend south vietnam against communism. But the Americans qoukly found them self in deep shit, so they started bringing out the big guns and sended in more troops.
  • War taktic.

    The Americans started out by being to definsive wich gave the north Vietnameese a good advantage, plus the north Vietnameese was trained to fight in forrest areas and were the Americans were unexperienced. So to solve this problem, the American airfoce started throwing napalm and a biokemikal wepon called "Agent orange" to clear the trees from leaves so they could also see were the enemies were from the plains.
  • U.S

    U.S. involvement escalated in the early 1960s, with troop levels tripling in 1961 and tripling again in 1962.
  • The end

    scroll downThe war ended with the fall of Saigon, the Americans pulled their troops out because they had no progress in Vietnam, and they had spended to much money and to many people were killed.
    The North and South Vietnam were reunified the following year.
    Results of the war:
    North Vietnam and Viet Cong won.
    Withdrawal of American forces from Indochina.
    Dissolution of South Vietnam.
    Communist governments take power in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos