Battle of Trafalgar
It was a naval war between Great Britain against Spain and France. It was an unequal war, since Spain and France had 60 ships, while Great Britain had only 40. To our surprise, Great Britain was victorious and came to dominate the entire Atlantic Ocean, and ruined the Spanish trade with the colonies. Napoleon isolated Great Britain, and provoked an economic blockade with all of Europe except Portugal, which refused. Therefore, Napoleon wanted to conquer Portugal. https://youtu.be/sRtUrvmok-c -
The Treaty of Fontainebleau
It was a secret pact between Emperor Napoleon and Prime Minister Godoy. It was signed with two objectives: first, to favor the passage of the French Army through the Spanish territory for the conquest of Portugal, and second, to divide the conquered country. Spain suffered a deception, since Napoleon's true intention was also to conquer Spain and by the time they realized it, the main cities were dominated by the French army. https://youtu.be/L1T5uNXJbOY -
Period: to
War of Independence
It was a patriotic war (Spain against the French invader), civil (Frenchified supporting Jose Bonaparte against absolutists supporting the Church, nobility...) and international (France against Portugal, England and Spain). -
The Mutiny of Aranjuez
It was a revolution led by the prince of Asturias, Ferdinand VII, against his father Charles IV. According to them, the king was to blame for the fact that France was invading Spain. Finally, Charles IV was forced to abdicate. Aranjuez received a letter from Napoleon to the kings: it was an invitation to France offering his help to solve the problems of the royal family. The royal family went to Bayonne at the end of April 1808. https://youtu.be/tAcAQEI1T3A -
Start of the War of Independence
The common people of Madrid rose up against the French army. Other towns following the example of Madrid, also rose. The French army crushed all revolutions. https://youtu.be/M9phd8FU6IA -
Abdications of Bayonne
Once there, 3 abdications took place. First, Ferdinand VII was forced to abdicate to his father, Charles IV. Then, Charles IV was convinced to abdicate to Napoleon. And finally Napoleon abdicated to his brother, Joseph Bonaparte who would become the next king of Spain. The royal family was held in Bayonne. -
Courts of Cadiz
The courts are a medieval institution. There were two positions among them, liberals and the absolutists. They were constituent courts, and legislate a base of decrees in order to end the old regime. Total rupture with the old regime and establishment of liberalism in Spain, confiscation laws were enacted and laws that put an end to the manorial regime and finally censorship on political texts was abolished the holy office of the inquisition and the guilds and internal customs. -
The proclamation of the Constitution 1812
It was the first attempt to settle liberalism in Spain by forming a parliamentary monarchy based on national sovereignty and separation of powers (legislative, executive, judicial). The following was drafted: legal equality among all citizens, census suffrage (men over 25 years of age and with an economic level), Catholicism became the official religion and defended centralism. The War of Independence did not allow its application. https://youtu.be/2K43lk6j-c0 -
Reign of Ferdinand VII
During his reign three phases took place. The Absolutist six-year period (1814 - 1820), the king was asked for the restitution of absolutism and a return to the Old Regime. In response, pronouncements were promoted annually by the liberal oposition, In 1820 Colonel Riego seized power. That is when the Liberal Triennium began (1820-1823). In 1823 the European absolutist nations sent an army to restore absolutism: "The 100,000 sons of Saint John" and the Ominous decade began (1823-1833). -
Period: to
Reign of Ferdinand VII
Once the war was over, Spain was ruled by the worst king in history. He lost the opportunity to modernize Spain. -
Crown offspring
Fernando VII married Maria Cristina de Borbón in 1829 and became pregnant. As Fernando was old and did not have any descendants, he was afraid that his child would be a woman since the Salic law prevented a woman from reigning in Spain. For this reason, the king proclaimed in 1830 the "Pragmatic Sanction". In the end a girl named Isabel was born. In 1833, Fernando died and Isabel became queen at the age of three. The problem began when Carlos Ma Isidro, a brother of Fernando, claimed the crown. -
Beginning of the first Carlist War
During the regency of Maria Cristina de Borbon, the first Carlist War (1833-1840) took place. The supporters of absolutism, Fueristas and religious Integrists supported Carlos Ma Isidro and the moderate liberals supported Isabel II (at that time she was only 3 years old). https://youtu.be/O9Ybjz1XGJI -
Regency of Maria Cristina de Bourbon
he took charge of the regency until 1840. During his regency, the first Carlist War (1833-1840) took place: supporters of the AR, Fueristas and Religious Integrists supporting Carlos Maria Isidro, against the moderate liberals who supported Isabel II. In 1834, Maria Cristina de Borbón promulgated a Pseudo - constitution, called "Royal Statute". The the rights of citizens were not mentioned. It did not solve the country's political problems. https://youtu.be/t58IJdfapzo -
Period: to
Regency of Isabel II
When Ferdinand VII died, Isabel II was only 3 years old. It is then when a period of regency began until Isabel II acquired the necessary age to reign. -
Promulgation of the pseudo-constitution "Royal Statute"
Maria Cristina de Borbón, in 1834, promulgated a pseudo-constitution granted by the Queen Mother, called Estatuto Real (Royal Statute). It limited the power of the king but did not mention the rights of the citizens. Only 0.16% of the population could vote and the work of the courts was merely consultative. It was a failure because it did not solve the political problems and became a hindrance to real reforms. -
Beginning of the regency of General Espartero.
In 1840, due to the different measures taken by Maria Cristina de Borbon, she was exiled. Once the Carlist War was over, General Espartero became a popular leader and idol. It is then when he began his regency (1840- 1843). He ruled in an authoritarian manner and was a supporter of the progressive liberals. He harshly repressed the moderate uprisings against him. https://youtu.be/o3nm8n44PTE -
The beginning of the government of General Narvaez.
In 1843, as a consequence of a military uprising led by Narvaez, the government of Espartero was overthrown and with it, the regency. To maintain social order, he eliminated the National Militia, created the Civil Guard, and decided that the government would elect the mayors of each municipality. -
Beginning of the Moderate Decade and proclamation of the constitution of 1845.
In 1844, the Moderate Decade (1844-1854) began. As the constitution of 1837 did not represent the ideology of Narvaez, he proclaimed the constitution of 1845. It was a moderate one: based on a shared sovereignty, it extended the power of the king, established a confessional state, carried out disentailment processes, reinforced the censorship of religion and centralized the administration. -
Beginning of the progressive biennium
The Narvaez government went into crisis and a coup d'état by the popular classes took place. It is then when Isabell II called Espartero (exiled) and began the progressive biennium (1854- 1856). The constitution Non Nata (1855), progressive, was proclaimed. And during this period historical events took place: creation of the bank of Spain, disentailment of Madoz and the law of railroads.