Jay Treaty
This was an agreement that lost things between the United States and Great Britain and this would let Americans establish a base where America could build a good national economy and also assure commercial prosperity. -
Chesapeake-Leopard Affair
Leopard affair was a naval engagement off the coast of Norfolk virginia. The British fourth-rate HMS Leopard and the American frigate USS Chesapeake. The crew of Leopard pursued, attacked, and boarded the American frigate, looking for deserters from the Royal Navy. -
Embargo Act 1807
This is when President Thomas Jefferson nonviolent resistance to British and French molestation of the U.S. merchants ships that was carry or was suspected of carry war materials to European. -
Period: to
War Hawks
The Northwest and Florida wanted war with Great Britain and Great Britain was trying to get the Indians to become hostile towards the settlers hoping that England would go to war with West Florida from Spain and that Britain's ally was also a big cause for the War of 1812 -
Impressment of sailors
The british government would get on American ships to try find people that abandoned the Royal Navy -
Battle of New Orleans
It was a victory for the U.S. against Great Britain in the War of 1812 this battle was one of the major battles. British and American troops were both unaware of the peace treaty that was signed between Ghent and Belgium. -
War of 1812 Begins
It was a war between the United States and Great Britain because of British violations of the U.S. maritime rights. Which ended with the Treaty of Ghent. -
Tecumseh (1)
The battle Tippecanoe is where the Native forces associated with Shawnee the leader of Tecumseh. -
Tecumseh (2)
The battle of the Thames was an American victory in War of 1812 against the Techumsehs and their British allies. -
Period: to
Hartford Convention
The federalists had a secret meeting about how they were dissatisfied with President James Madisons about his decisions on mercantile policies and the progress of the War of 1812. The delegates were raising the possibility of secession but instead decided to amend the Constitution this caused it to be ruled as a States rights. -
Treaty of Ghent
This was an agreement between Belgium and Great Britain and also the United States to end the War of 1812. So each side's military was so well balanced thay no country could get concessions. One of the main reasons that the United States went to war was to try and protect the International neutral rights.