War of 1812

  • Napoleon's defeat in Europe

    Napoleon's defeat in Europe
    Napoleon wanted to dominate Europe. The British relied on their navy for protection.
  • President Madison deal / cease attacks

    President Madison deal / cease attacks
    The Great Britains angered us Americans. France and the Great Britains both made foreign trade dangerous. Madison wrote letter expressing how he wanted British to improve their relationship with the U.S.
  • U.S. Military crossed into Canada.

    U.S. Military crossed into Canada.
    On July 3rd, Americans crossed to niagara river and turned back a rash attack from the British on July 5th. On July 25th, it was the worst part of the attack. They crossed the river on November 5th and ended the war in upper Canada.
  • Battle of Tippecanoe Creek

    Battle of Tippecanoe Creek
    Harrison and his guys arrived and were met by natives who claimed Tenskwatawa. Tecumseh talked to Tenskawatah previous to when he left to not attack the white people.
  • Oliver hazard perry captured a British fleet

    Oliver hazard perry captured a British fleet
    He was very young and rewarded hero of Lake Erie. Perry new the battle was coming and he was prepared.
  • British attack on Washington

    British attack on Washington
    The British set fire to many buildings. They had a victory. The Capitol and the White House both were set on fire.
  • British attack Baltimore

    British attack Baltimore
    This was a sea/land battle fought between British and America. The battle was a success for the Americans.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    The British set out to attack catesbys forces. When all of the British retreated, the battle of New Orleans was over.