War of 1812

  • British Impressment

    British Impressment
    British Navy begin to force U.S. sailors off their ships and recruit themfor British army.Date not accurate.
  • Embargo

    Thomas Jefferson imposes an embargo on Great Britain but it results in economic disaster for American merchants and is discontinued in 1809.Day in date not accurate.
  • Last Straw

    Last Straw
    War Congress convenes and the Battle of Tippecanoe (in present-day Indiana), considered the first battle of the War of 1812, takes place between Tecumseh's brother, The Prophet, and William Henry Harrison's army. War took place because U.S. found out Britain were supporting/arming the Natives.
  • Declaration of War

    Declaration of War
    America declares war on Great Britain after Battle of Tippecanoe. This declaration caused riots in Baltimore(protesting the war) to start up. Day not accurate.
  • End of the Year

    End of the Year
    July, 1812:
    General William Hull enters Canada. This is the first of three failed attempts made by the U.S. to invade Canada.
    The British force the surrender of Fort Michilimackinac
    August, 1812: General William Hull surrenders to General Isaac Brock at Detroit.
    October, 1812: General Isaac Brock is killed at the Battle of Queenston Heights in Canada.
  • Onward!

    U.S. troops capture and burn the city of York (present-day Toronto) after American survivors are killed.
  • NOOO! Defeat is not an Option!

    NOOO! Defeat is not an Option!
    HMS Shannon(British Naval Ship) defeats the Chesapeake(American Naval Ship).
  • Battle All through the Night!

    Battle All through the Night!
    March 27 AND 28
    Battle of Horseshoe Bend takes place in central Alabama.
  • The Peacock defeats HMS Epervier

    The Peacock defeats HMS Epervier
    Also on June 28 the Wasp II defeats HMS Reindeer. BTW thwWasp II is an American Naval ship and the HMS Reindeer is a British Naval Ship.
  • Be at Peace with Oneself.

    Be at Peace with Oneself.
    Ratifications of the Peace Treaty exchanged and President Madison declares the war at an end. War is officially over now:)