War of 1812

  • Period: to

    Impressment of sailors

    The impressment of sailors lasted many years up until the War of 1812. It was very common for people to go into ships of their oppenents and take men forcibly to help. In the case of the war of 1812, the British Navy was going into American ships and taking their soldiers.
  • Washington's Proclamation of Neautrality

    Washington's Proclamation of Neautrality
    This proclamation was created by Washington because he did not want to be a part of the conflict going on between Britain and France. At this time, going to war would not be smart for the United States because it would mean picking sides between two of the largest trading partners of the United States. However, the two nations violate this proclamation and leads to bigger issues in the future.
  • Jay Treaty

    Jay Treaty
    This treaty was meant to repair the relationship with America and Great Britain. The United States is trading with Great Britain and France and remaining neutral. Great Britain ends up blockading France and impressing sailors along with seizing vessels of the Americans. However, Great Britain is supposed to leave American Forts, open up trading channels, and they are also believed to be supplying West Indies with weapons. This is important because political parties form and peace is maintained.
  • Washington's Farewell Address

    Washington's Farewell Address
    Washington's Farewell Adress was a piece he wrote in order to officially leave office after 20 years of being involved in politics. In the address, he spoke about the problems and concerns along with strengths he thought the nation had. He also talked about how the nation should deal with foreign affairs moving forward and how to handle alliances.
  • Chesapeake-Leopard Affair

    Chesapeake-Leopard Affair
    The Chesapeake-Leopard Affair was a naval conflict between the British fourth-rate HMS and the American USS Chesapeake. The Chesapeake was leaving Norfolk in order to travel to the Mediterranean with loads of cargo and guns so the British saw it as a target. The vessel was surrendered to the British thefore being a British Victory. On top of the impressement, this was one of the reasons the war broke out.
  • Embargo Act of 1807

    Embargo Act of 1807
    The embargo act was a sanction placed on Great Britain and France. This was because both nation were violating the United States neutrality so an embargo was placed which meant that no imports or exports would be allowed. This was meant to hurt France and Britain economically so that they would respect the states policies, but it ended up hurting America more.
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    War Hawks

    War Hawks were young politicans who were typically from the South and West (Democratic-Republicans). These young men typically were the one pushing for war with Great Britain. They also wanted Canada who was under British control, and to take Florida from Spain.
  • Tecumseh

    The Shawnee cheif tried to negotiate with America because people kept settling onto their land in the West. He mentions that there is a coalition strong enough to take white setllers off their land and that if no on listens, they will use it and fight. The negotation ended with no soultion but Harrison is well aware that they are dangerous so he gets more soldiers. Harrison surprised attacked the confederacys headquarters and burned down the town. Tecumseh went to Britain to form and alliance.
  • Tecumseh

    With his remaining followers, Tecumseh and his confederacy decide to join forces with Britain in Michingan during the War of 1812. This leads to British victory at the Seige of Detroit so they move onto joining the major-general, Henery Proctor, in the invasion of Ohio. However, they were forced to flee and after Harrison pressured them to the Thames River, he was killed.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    Because of Britain limiting trade, seizing ships, impresment of sailors, and America wanting to get more territory, war broke out. With the Battle of Tippiecanoe happening and the War Hawks pressering Madison for war, Congress votes for war. The Americans suffered lots of defeat but they eventually were able to gain land in the Northwest and on seas. British troops turned their focus onto the war in North America and they attacked and burned down the captial. Americans defeat Britain.
  • Hartford Convention

    Hartford Convention
    This convention was made up of 26 federalist who met up to discuss and oppose Madison's Administration and the war going on. The war was terrible for the economy especially after the embargo act. The Louisianna Purchase was madew hich meant more agriculture, and more Jeffersonians. This along with the 12th amendment and the National draft was not good for them. They began resited milita calls and evading ships. The states threathened to leave the Union.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    Treaty of Ghent
    The Treaty of Ghent was signed, officially ending the war. The treaty said nothing about the impressment of sailors or the neautrality but it did open up the Great Lakes region for expansion, However the treaty news had not reached British forces therefore they were atacking New Orleans, where they were defeated.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    The Battle of New Orleans happened as a result of the British forces not hearing about the Treaty of Ghent. British forces attacked New Orleansbecause of the pasaage to Lousianna, and because of the Mississippi RIver acess, but the Americans defeated them. This battle is the last major conflict between America and Great Britain. This battle really boosted America's Pride.