War of 1812

  • France declares war on great Britain

    France declares war on great Britain
    The war was instigated after the french and Indian war. France and Great Britain were still fighting who owned land. This fighting and underlying problems eventually led to the war.
  • The untied states declares war on great Britain.

    The untied states declares war on great Britain.
    This was the First time America ever declared war. They declared war on Great Britain because they were trying to restrict trade. They did this by capturing American trade ships and impressing American sailors.
  • A mob

    A mob
    A mob destroys a printing store so they can destroy anti war papers. This happened in Baltimore and a lot of anti war news papers were destroyed.
  • Great Britain declares war on the United states.

    Great Britain declares war on the United states.
    Great Britain eventually declared war on the United states for some reasons. The main reason was that the united states already declared war and the tensions were rising and issues with trade.
  • Battle of river raisin

    Battle of river raisin
    This was the fall of Michigan while the British were moving in they fought the Americans. This was not just one battle but many. The Americans were overpowered but still fought. Michigan was eventually taken by the British.
  • Battle of Chrysler farm.

    Battle of Chrysler farm.
    This battle was a victory for the British in the war. Even though the Brits were out numbered they won.This prevented the U.S. from taking Montreal.
  • Battle of chippawa

    Battle of chippawa
    This was a battle fought between the us and Britain in Ontario. The U.S. was very strategical and this brought them the victory in this battle.
  • The end of the war

    The end of the war
    The war eventually ended in a draw and terms were met with other countries. Expanding the us ground.