War of 1812

  • U.S Declares War

    The US declares war on the British colonies of Canada, but the news doesnt arrive in Upper Canada until months later
  • General Hull Invades

    Hull take ill-equipped, untrained militiamen to Canada
  • Hull Surrenders

    General Hull surrenders the Fort of Detroit without putting up a fight, tricked by Brock and Tecumseh.
  • General Brock KIA

    General Brock KIA
    General Brock is killed in the Batte of Queenston Heights while impulsivley charging up a hill to reclaim guns.Brock's death was a significant blow to the British-Canadian forces, since he was one of few competent army leaders.
  • Britain Declares War

  • Battle of OgdensBurg

    Battle of OgdensBurg
    The British defeat the Americans at Ogdensburg, removing any threat to their supply lines for the remainder of the war.
  • Battle of York

    Battle of York
    The Americans defeat the British at a small town and loot it before withdrawing.
  • Battle of Lake Erie

    Battle of Lake Erie
    The Americans destroy the British at Lake Erie, granting them control over the entire lake.
  • Battle of the Thames

    Slowed down by fleeing civilians, Canadian troops are caught up by Americans. Genral Proctor flees with his men, while Tecumseh and his men stay and fight. Tecumseh dies, disbanding the First Nations alliance and dissolving any hopes for a Native standpoint in the war.
  • Battle of Chateauguay

    Battle of Chateauguay
    1630 British troops repel 2600 Americans, causing them to abandon the Saint Lawrence Campaign
  • Battle of Crysler's Farm

    Battle of Crysler's Farm
    900 British soldiers successfully defend against 8000 Americans. The Americans try to charge the Brits by marching through mud while volley after volley of bullets is keeps pressing them back.
  • Burning of Washington

    Burning of Washington
    After defeating the Americans at Bladensburg, the British occupy the American capital and burn down public buildings.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    Treaty of Ghent
    The treaty restored realtions between the two countries to before the war, save the fact that First Nations were not considered
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    The American Army, headed by general Andrew Jackson, push back invading British troops intent on seizing New Orleans and Louisiana.