Nah nah

War of 1812

By BG3063
  • Victory

    The British won and the Americans lost. Even though the war was being fought near the U.S border the British still won. They had way more men fighting and not as many injured, or killed.
  • Number killed

    Number killed
    The number of all army members killed was about 22,181. 15,000 from the American side were killed just from a sickness, and 3,321 from the British side.
  • Number injured

    Number injured
    The number of men injured were all together 8,184. 4,505 from the American side, and 3,679 from the British.
  • Strength of U.S

    Strength of U.S
    The U.S.A had pretty good strength. Their strength was the amount of soliders they started with and the amount of people they gained over the past 2 years and eight months.
  • Stength of British

    Stength of British
    The strength of the British was very good. They had twice as many men as the U.S had. They ended up with a lot more that they had gained in the past two year and eight months, and they had not as many killed and or injured during the war.
  • Where the war took place

    Where the war took place
    The war took place along the Canadian border, in the Chesapeake Bay region, and along the Gulf of Mexico. Extensive action also took place at sea.
  • Number of Soliders

    Number of Soliders
    The number of men from both sides was 73,160. 35,160 from the U.S . The British had about 48,160. AS you can see they had a way better advantage of beating the U.S.
  • Reason it Started

    Reason it Started
    The reason the war had started was because complex issues of expansionism, free trade, neutral rights, and national pride. Specifically, as well as British stealing and taking over America's ships.
  • America

    America had 7,000 members of the army at the begining and even though they lost thousands they still ended with around 38,000, because mroe people joined as the war went on.
  • British

    The British started with 5,200 members of their army and as well as them losing some they ended the war with 48,160 members. That is parcially the reason we they won.
  • Started

    The war started on June 18th, 1812. It went on for about 2 years and 8 months. The war was started because of ship stealing between, American and the British.
  • U,S Commanders/Leaders

    U,S Commanders/Leaders
    WikipediaThe U.S had seven commanders/leaders. The names were James Madison, Henry Dearborn, Jacob Brown, Winfiled Scott, Andrew Jackson, William Henry Harrison, and William Hall.
  • British Commanders/Leaders

    British Commanders/Leaders
    WikipediaThe British had eight commanders/leaders. The names for them were, Lord Liverpool, George Prevost, Isaac Brock, Roger Hale Sheaffe, Gordon Drummond, Robert Ross, Robert Pakenham, and Charles De Salaberry
  • Why it Ended

    Why it Ended
    The war ended when the British won victory. The Treaty of Peace and Amity between His Britannic Majesty and the U.S, of America is signed by British and American representatives at Ghent, Belgium, ending the War of 1812.
  • Lasted

    Wikipedia The war of 1812 lasted 2 years and 8 months. It was a hard fought battle. In the end there had been thousands of lives taken, and thousands injured. There war had finally ended in February 18th, 1815.