Battle of Lake Erie
battle of lake erie was a war between the United states and Britain on controll over the land off the coast of ohio. The point of the war was to regain the controll over lake erie -
Battle of HorseShoe Bend
The battle of horseshoe bend was a war between the Americans and the Red sticks which was a native american tribe in central ohio. the war was about raids on the american settlements because the Red Sticks sided with the british and the spanish -
Brittish attack on Washington D.C.
the British attack on washington D.C. was a war between the United states and Britain about the brittish burning down the capitol building in D.C. they did this so that they can distract the United States government from its campaigns against Canada -
Attack on Fort McHenery
the attack on fort mchenerey was a war between the United states and Britain and it was a planned attack to take the city of Baltimore in Maryland. The brittish attacked the city because they belived that it was the base to many American privateers -
Battle at New Orleans
the battle of new orleans was a war between United States and Britain about capturing new orleans to have controll over the missisipi river