
Abel Aviles Period 1

  • Industrailization: Oil

    Industrailization: Oil
    • Edwin Drake did the first oil well drilled in Pennsylvania.
    • Also John D. Rockefeller made the standard oil company with kerosene and gasoline, railroad rebates, and pipeline transport.
  • Civil War: War begins between Union and Confederacy.

    Civil War: War begins between Union and Confederacy.
    • This started cause of slavery and the North wanting African Americans to be free and not slaved again.
    • Also different views in states rights.
  • Civil War: Lincoln's involvement.

    Civil War: Lincoln's involvement.
    • Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation.
    • Announced the emancipation proclamation of African American slaves.
  • Civil War: Ending of civil war.

    Civil War: Ending of civil war.
    -The side who won the war was Union (North).
    -General Robert E. Lee surrendered to Grant at Appotattox.
  • Reconstruction: Reconstruction act

    Reconstruction: Reconstruction act
    • This act divided the north and south into military occupation zones.
    • Prevented any further conflicts between north & south.
  • Reconstruction: Congressional Reconstruction

    Reconstruction: Congressional Reconstruction
    • Civil rights act granted freedmen rights of citizenship.
    • Civil rights act rewritten as 14th Amendment granting citizens equal protection of laws and right to fair procedures before a state government takes away a person's property or freedom.
  • Industrailization: Industrailization begins.

    Industrailization: Industrailization begins.
    • There was several abundant resources.
    • Also a stimulus of the Civil War: Tariffs, Banking act, Pacific railway act, Homestead act.
  • Gilded Age: Politics

    Gilded Age: Politics
    • Gilded Age politics, called the Third Party System, was characterized by intense competition between the two parties, with minor parties coming and going.
    • Political corruption was rampant, as business leaders spent significant amounts of money ensuring that government did not regulate the activities of big business.
  • Gilded Age: Technological Advances

    Gilded Age: Technological Advances
    • New addition to heavy industry and major economic growth in the United States.
    • This led to a better labor force and better economy.
  • Reconstruction: End of reconstruction

    Reconstruction: End of reconstruction
    -North loses interest in reconstruction after economic depression.
    -Ku Klux Klan and and other racist organizations threaten African Americnas.
  • Gilded Age: Economic Growth

    Gilded Age: Economic Growth
    • U.S. economy rose at the fastest rate in its history, with real wages, wealth, GDP, and capital formation all increasing rapidly.
    • Andrew Carnegie donated over 90% of his wealth and said that philanthropy was their duty the "Gospel of Wealth". Private money endowed thousands of colleges, hospitals, museums, academies, schools, opera houses, public libraries, and charities.
  • Industrailization: Electricity

    Industrailization: Electricity
    • Electric light bulb was invented.
    • Motion pictures, improved battery, electric power station backed by J.P Morgan.
  • Imperialism: The Spanish American War.

    Imperialism: The Spanish American War.
    • There was sensational works of yellow journalism involved that disorted events which fanned the American desire to intervene.
    • But with the Teller Amendment Cuba remained independent but became under control of the United States.
  • Imperialism: Cuba

    Imperialism: Cuba
    • The Platt Amendment is issued by Congress, which states that American troops will not withdraw from Cuba until the following conditions are included in their constitution: Cuba will not sign any agreement with a foreign power which will limit its independence.
  • Imperialism: U.S and the Panama Canal

    Imperialism: U.S and the Panama Canal
    • Secretary of State John Hay began negotiations with the Republic of Columbia, which then included Panama. A treaty was drafted in 1903. In return for a 99-year lease on a six-mile strip of land across the isthmus, the US agreed to pay Colombia $10 million and a yearly rental of $250,000.
  • Gilded Age: Immigration

    Gilded Age: Immigration
    -During the gilded age 10 million immigrants came to the United States in what was known as 'new immigration'.
    -To accommodate the heavy influx, the federal government in 1892 opened a reception center at Ellis Island near the Statue of Liberty.
  • World War 1: The beginning of World War 1

    World War 1: The beginning of World War 1
    • This war had several long term causes with nationalism, militarism and the wanting of expansion by countries. Also economic rivalries and the alliance system.
  • World War 1: German view of the war.

    World War 1: German view of the war.
    • Germany was eager to expand and wanted more power with its continuous expansion. Germans invented submarines and prevented many of Britains supplies carried by ships. They progressed much but surrendered in November 1918
  • World War 1: Introducing new weapons to the war. (Machine Gun)

    World War 1: Introducing new weapons to the war. (Machine Gun)
    • There were many technological advancements in the first World War. One of them was the machine gun. It had a rate of ffire of 600 rounds per minute and could go up to 4,500 yards.
  • Roaring 20's: End of World War 1

    Roaring 20's: End of World War 1
    • At the end of World War I, soldiers returned to the United States and Canada with money from service in the war and had alot to spend on new things.
  • Roaring 20's: 19th Amendment and women's part in the 1920's.

    Roaring 20's: 19th Amendment and women's part in the 1920's.
    • The 19th amendment gave the women the right to vote in 1920. There was also women called flappers that weared loose clothing and went out without chaperones.
  • Roaring 20's: Washington Naval Conference.

    Roaring 20's: Washington Naval Conference.
    • This conference was to promote world peace between nations. It has the worlds naval powers to agree to limit the number of their battleships.
  • Great Depression: Causes of the depression.

    Great Depression: Causes of the depression.
    • In the1929 downturn there was major bank failures and the stock market crash. There was a primarily a failure on the part of free markets or a failure of government efforts to regulate interest rates, curtail widespread bank failures, and control the money supply.
  • Great Depression: Dust Bowl.

    Great Depression: Dust Bowl.
    • Part of this Great Depression was also caused by a series of droughts on the Great Plains. These droughts with unstable plowing techniques caused the disaster known as 'Dust Bowl'.
  • Great Depression: The Second New Deal

    Great Depression: The Second New Deal
    • This Second New Deal gave everyone more reform and security. It improved many lives of Americans that were having a rough time.
  • World War 2: Beginning of World War 2.

    World War 2: Beginning of World War 2.
    • It involved the vast majority of the world's nations. It including all of the great powers. Eventually forming two opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis. It was the most widespread war in history, and directly involved more than 100 million people, from more than 30 different countries.
  • World War 2: The rise of the Nazis.

    World War 2: The rise of the Nazis.
    • A new leader came to power after the Germans loss in World War 1. Hitler and the Nazis came to great power after the Great Depression in the United States.
  • World War 2: D Day.

    World War 2: D Day.
    • American and British forces landed on Normandy on D Day. They pushed on across France and faced a German counter attack at the Battle of the Bulge.
  • Cold War: Causes of the Cold War

    Cold War: Causes of the Cold War
    • This war was mainly upon the political, economic, and social differences between the two superpowers. These superpowers is the United States and Soviet Russia. The Soviet Union was a Communist country while the United States was a capitalist democracy.
  • Cold War: Nuclear expansion to other countries.

    Cold War: Nuclear expansion to other countries.
    • The Soviet Union tested and exploded its first atomic bomb in 1949. With that cause the United States had to take a step forward and had nuclear tests of its own. This led to the expansion of nuclear power across the world and to other countries after seeing the effect of what an atomic bomb can do.
  • Vietnam War: Division of Vietnam.

    Vietnam War: Division of Vietnam.
    • Vietnam was divided into two parts. North Vietnam was a Communist dictatorship uder the leader Ho Chi Minh and South Vietnam was placed under a pro Western Emperor.
  • Civil Rights Movement: Brown vs Board of Education

    Civil Rights Movement: Brown vs Board of Education
    • This Supreme Court decision held that separation and hate did not have to take place in public education. It was unequal and African Americans were not supplied with enough as much as the whites were.
  • Civil Rights Movement: Rosa Parks & Martin Luther King

    Civil Rights Movement: Rosa Parks & Martin Luther King
    • Rosa Parks was put in jail and arrested for refusing to give a white man a seat in a city bus of Montgomery. After that happened Dr. King led a boycott that ran almost for a full year about city buses.
  • Civil Rights Movement: NAACP

    Civil Rights Movement: NAACP
    • African Americans ratified the NAACP organization. It fought for the equal rights of African Americans and it played a majorly important role in racial equality.
  • Cold War: Soviets and Cuba

    Cold War: Soviets and Cuba
    • Americans discover that Soviet nuclear missiles were about to be installed in Cuba. This led to the U.S to think that Florida and other close targets were in danger and also threatened. America was close to invading the island and threatened it.
  • Vietnam War: Domino Theory

    Vietnam War: Domino Theory
    • The domino theory was proposed by American leaders. This was believed to be that if a country falls into communism that other countries would fall with it and also become communist like a line of dominos.
  • Vietnam War: Tet Offensive

    Vietnam War: Tet Offensive
    • The Viet Cong launched a 'Tet Offensive' strategy. This strategy was used on the Ameicans and it refused them to leave. North Vietnam and the Vietcong were committed to their cause.