Vollleyball Timeline

  • Invention of Volleyball

    Invention of Volleyball
    Willaim G morgan was a ninstructor at YMCA in Holyoke, Massachussets. He wanted to combine elements of Basketball, tennis and handball into a sport. Volleyball - General Information. (n.d.). Volleyball - General Information. Retrieved October 22, 2014, from http://www.volleyball.org/history.html
  • First Volleyball Ball

    First Volleyball Ball
    William G. Morgan asked a Spalding to design a special ball for his new sport. The first volleyball ball was made of latex bladder similar to material of a bicycle tire. Jackson, J. (2013, November 29). History of Volleyball Balls. LIVESTRONG.COM. Retrieved October 23, 2014, from http://www.livestrong.com/article/352681-history-of-volleyball-balls/
  • First Game of Volleball

    First Game of Volleball
    It was first played at Sprinfield College Volleyball - General Information. (n.d.). Volleyball - General Information. Retrieved October 22, 2014, from http://www.volleyball.org/history.html
  • First Volleyball Association

    First Volleyball Association
    Since rules were needed, the United States volleyball assosiation was created
  • First two man beach volleyball game

    First two man beach volleyball game
    • First two man beach volleyball game Volleyball - General Information. (n.d.). Volleyball - General Information. Retrieved October 22, 2014, from http://www.volleyball.org/history.html
  • Founding of FIVB

    Founding of FIVB
    In Paris, The Federation Internationale De Volley Ball was founded. Volleyball - General Information. (n.d.). Volleyball - General Information. Retrieved October 22, 2014, from http://www.volleyball.org/history.html
  • Volleyball became an olympic sport

    Volleyball became an olympic sport
    Volleyball was first played in the olympics in 1964 in Tokyo, Japan in 1964. It was only male.
  • WPVA was formed

    WPVA was formed
    • WPVA WOMEN'S PROFESSIONAL VOLLEYBALL was formed in california WOMEN'S PROFESSIONAL VOLLEYBALL ASSOCIATION Retrieved October 23, 2014, from http://www.trademarkia.com/wpva-womens-professional-volleyball-association-74124676.html
  • Creation of World League

    Creation of World League
    • the FIVB World League was created as a volleyball competition for men’s national teams. It occurs every year, it competes the world’s best countries against one another . FIVB Volleyball World League. (n.d.). IMG Programming. Retrieved October 23, 2014, from http://www.imgprogramming.com/volleyball/fivb-world-league.aspx
  • Beach Volleyball became an olympic sport

    Beach Volleyball became an olympic sport
    Beach VOlleyball was played in the olympics for the first time in Atlanta, 1996 The Game. (n.d.). The Game. Retrieved October 23, 2014, from http://www.fivb.org/TheGame/TheGame_BeachVolleyballOlympicGames